Wait! WHAT? How did you get here? Don’t you know this is secret squirrel business?
For Crisp Copy clients only
Get your tired ol’ words in front of my fresh copy brain and let me give them a right proper makeover for your next website, email, or launch… launch!
Over 2020 – 2023 there have been thousands of you who have signed up for one, or more, Crisp Copy Courses. So I know there are now oodles of words out there in the world you’ve written yourself (with my step-by-step help) which perhaps you’ve not been 1000% confident to promote the heck out of them yet…
because you’ve been your own editor
Being your own copy editor is cool and all, because #bootstrapping, but if you know you’re holding back on hollering how great your thing is from the rooftops because you’ve got a niggling feeling your copy could be better – this is for you…
and just quietly – my editing rate is a smidge of my done-for-you copywriting rate

How does editing work?
It’s pretty simple; none of the 60 minutes brand briefing and 4 week turnaround of done-for-you copywriting and if I make this face you’ll never even know
- You send me your final draft
- I’ll edit the heck out of it
- You go sell your thing with total confidence
I’ll even have it professionally proofread before I flick it back to you
You can use this service:
- with any of the copy you’ve written using the principles I teach in any of my courses (and even if you wrote the piece of copy you’d like edited before taking one of my courses you’re welcome to give it a quick once-over and send me your updated final draft)
- or, if you’re a current client and I’ve sent you this link directly
If you want further editing, you simply purchase another block or grab a Crisp Chunk of 10 for a juicy discount
Copy editing is a heck of a lot more pocket-friendly than done-for-you copywriting, I can copy edit around 350 – 500 words in an hour (depending on how tight your draft is)
Which means for a 1500 word Sales Page you’re saving your business bank account around $3,000
That’s quite a bit of dosh in the cake fund

Copy editing isn’t proofreading (though that’s included too)
I’ll edit your words for content, structure, flow, meaning, persuasion, and conversion
If you’ve had a website page (or entire website), email sequence, full funnel, or even your Brand Voice Guide written by someone else and you’d like it Crisped, you’re welcome to bring that to the table
And, you can snaffle as many Crisp Chunks of Editing Time (that’s an official title, now) as you like in one hit

WHAT should you get edited?
Full Funnels:
- Landing Page
- Thank You Page
- 5 Part Email Nurture Sequence
Approx: 10 blocks (you can add your Freebie or Lead Magnet too, if you like!)
5 Part Nurture + 5 Part Sales Sequences:
Snaffle the 10 block Crisp Chunk
4 Page Website:
- Home, About, Services/Work With Me, Landing Page + Sales Page
Approx: 9 blocks
Single Sales Page @ 3000 words:
Approx: 6 blocks
If you grab 3 blocks now and send me 10 or so pages, I’ll edit in order of copy goodies received and let you know how many more blocks I think it will take to finish the rest of your work
If this is sounding like my best offer ever
It’s kinda coz it is.
I ONLY edit copy for folk who have done my copywriting courses (and properly, dot points ain’t gonna do it) or existing clients who just need a page or so of copy jooshed (yes, that’s a technical term!)
BONUS: Instead of the 4 week lead-time, I can usually start your editing job within 1 week of receiving your draft and have a turnaround of 14 days for each 1000 words
Minimum of 2 x editing blocks to start, then purchase as many extras as you like or snaffle a Crisp Chunk for a decent discount

Buy a bite at a time or a chunk with a discount
Please add 2 x bite at a time edits to your cart as a minimum, and then as many extra blocks as you like