Shall I let you in on a little secret?
I rewrote my About page 174 times before I finally asked for help.
And About pages are my gig.
In fact, I have a business based on the fact that business owners would rather blow their laptop up in the microwave rather than write another (or first!) version of their About page. And yet here I was, knowing better, valiantly trying to do mine by myself. Because writing your own is plain hard yakka.
Don’t. Be. Me.
Snaffle this free guide instead.

Shall I let you in on a little secret?
I rewrote my About page 174 times before I finally asked for help.
And About pages are my gig.
In fact, I have a business based on the fact that business owners would rather blow their laptop up in the microwave rather than write another (or first!) version of their About page. And yet here I was, knowing better, valiantly trying to do mine by myself. Because writing your own is plain hard yakka.
Don’t. Be. Me.
Snaffle this free guide instead.

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