The Crisp Copy Class is a comprehensive copywriting course for women who want to write bank-making copy for their own brands… for less than outsourcing a *single page* of copy

Writing is a doing word

And as much as us high-priced copywriters would love to have you believe, it’s not magic, alchemy, or goddess-given talent.

It’s a dash creative, stacks of curation, plenty of knowing what copy to put where, and a large dollop of confidence. 

Which is all learnable…

and this foundational copywriting training, specifically created for businesswomen who believe they’re ‘not great writers’, will teach you how

(Also, balderdash to the whole “not a writer” thing…)

“…is there anything about copywriting she doesn’t know? I don’t think so…”

It won’t break your brain, or your budget (but may put a bit of a dent in your belief-systems)

Here’s what the Crisp Copy Class delivers


Because, sweet, you have a business name and a logo and some socials happening, now a website on the way, only you don’t really know how to make those website words work for you. And you don’t want filler text, you want copy that woos hot leads, transforms readers into relationships, potentials into profit, and performs like a personal selling pro who never takes a sick day and always has their game face on.

And…you don’t want to pay into the tens of thousands to get someone good to write it for you. 

Congratulations, you’re going to be the someone good.


9 core modules

Blogathon Week 1

LESSON 1 - Brand Voice

Develop your own brand voice, blend it beautifully with your client voice and your new understanding of your best people’s psychology, and write your own statements, messaging, and irresistible words your ideal clients won’t be able to drag their eyes away from.

Delivered in a way that no one else does, and building the basis for the answer to every. single. time you ask yourself, “but, why would someone choose me?” 

Blogathon Week 1

LESSON 2 - About Page

The story that brings you to this point? That’s important stuff. Give it purpose and get it working for you. (We start here coz it’s hard and I believe in eating your broccoli first!)

I’ll also show you how this is the best spot on your whole site for converting a reader to a lover lover and how to use the relevant parts of your backstory as a bridge to welcome amazing humans into being part of your brand’s future stories.

Blogathon Week 1

LESSON 3 - Writing + Editing + Structure Basics + Processes

How to get the info out of your brain and onto the screen. Because there’s a whole wad of information online about copywriting, but what most people won’t teach you is a process.

I’ll teach you why editing is the most important part of copywriting, and how to do it fast, well, and savagely.

And then how to repurpose your copy so your voice is consistent everywhere.


Blogathon Week 1

LESSON 4 - Home Page

How to get the info out of your brain and onto the screen and write a killer website first-3-seconds hook of a headline. 

Nail the first couple of seconds, get your best people onto that second page (or into your email list), and make the finest folk you’ll ever want to work with or sell for never want to leave your website.

Blogathon Week 1

LESSON 5 - Services/Work With Me Page

Showcase all your amazing pantsness in punchy, engaging snippets of your brilliance. And then structure this page so your people asking themselves “but what do I really need?” know exactly where to go to get what they want from you.

Blogathon Week 1

LESSON 6 - Sales Pages

Learn my basic, no-brainer template for mid-length Sales pages and write your own.

I’ll show you the exact structure I use to write $4000+ Sales pages that have my clients getting back their investment – sometimes in a couple of days.

Blogathon Week 1

LESSON 7 - On Page SEO

Incorporate keywords into your copy naturally so your reader and the Google Goddess lap up your stuff.

Includes a slice or two of Masterclass expert dishiness from the best SEO people covering Google Analytics and Search Console to keyword research and on-page SEO.

Bonus: all the other ways you can get traffic traipsing all across your website if SEO isn’t your gig.



Blogathon Week 1

LESSON 8 - Landing Page + Thank You Page

Figure out how to craft a fabulous free thing and get people to need it. Make the fair trade of value-packed fabulousness and their precious email a happy swap.

Then, map out glorious copy on a landing page that gets people to click all the buttons.

And…where to send them next.


Blogathon Week 1

LESSON 9 - Email Copywriting

Because you are competing with a lot of noise on Facebook and Instagram, but if you’re invited into someone’s inbox, you’d better do a good job once you’re there.

The basic things to know when writing and structuring converting emails so you can use your new website copy as the first step to build a gloriously intimate relationship with your potential client.

+ ever increasing bonuses including Masterclasses, templates, pre-built website pages AND the option of copy feedback

“…the best time, money, and energy you could spend…”

You. Are. Not. A. Crappy. Writer

You just don’t have the copy skills…yet

And who said you should? Copywriting isn’t something we’re taught at school or anything you can just pick up from hanging out in even the best business communities. It’s often not even something you realise you need to do until you’re stuck staring at the blinking cursor of death while trying to write your own emails, social media copy, or pull together content for an advertisement. 

And heck, website copy? The options are worrying your DIY job is boring as bat poop or spending thousands and thousands of dollars to outsource to a decent copywriter. 

Which doesn’t save you in the long run. Because even if you save up and outsource one page, you have to write copy for your business

every. single. day.

Save yourself a bundle of dosh, DIY with expert help, and use my foundations, templates, processes, and working copywriter shortcuts galore

for less than you’ll pay a good conversion copywriter to write a single website page for you, you’ll have access to:

✔️ Freshly overhauled core modules including all new worksheets, templates, and brand new fill-in-the-blanks copy starters to get you cracking

✔️All the best training from the recorded classes from 2018 – 2022 live rounds – that’s currently over 30 hours of pre-recorded Masterclasses on everything from Brand Voice to Copy 101, About pages to Sales pages, structure to SEO, and bonus Masterclasses like how to write a Press Release, how to find confidence, how to pitch to the Media, and what to write on your FB ads

✔️ Downloadable tutorials and worksheets ready for you to get prompted, get inspired, and get writing

✔️ Easy to navigate member’s only platform

✔️ Evergreen access to the recorded content for the life of the course

✔️ Ever growing bonus booty on the member’s site

✔️ Classmates only 1:1 copy coaching rate

✔️ Classmates only 50% off editing rate for 3 months after you sign up

✔️ Snazzy badge for your website upon graduation 

✔️ BONUS: Access to 365 Days Of Copy – my prompt calendar to write every day

✔️ AND the option to get your freshly minted copy reviewed post-course

“Every single person who wants to try copywriting NEEDS this course….”

The truth is you could be writing words that sell

  • Even if you’re scared of the blinking cursor of death, your Year 10 Lit teacher told you not to consider ever writing again, or you currently have website shame.
  • Even if you think copywriting training is only for people who want to grow up to be copywriters.
  • Even if you’ve been putting it off for forever and you think you don’t have time. Even if you’re scared.

Especially if you’re scared.

You already know amazing, converting copywriting will blast your business growth into the stratosphere.

Here’s something you may not know: you already have all the words inside your head to can make magic happen

And you’re ready to write with confidence. Be brave. And publish with full expectation to make bank. You just need the Crisp Copy Class.

“…this course has gone above and beyond supersizing my copy prowess…”


If your website doesn’t sound like you. If you’re so stuck with what to write anywhere you end up writing nothing remotely like what you mean. If I can go to your website and read exactly the same fluff as on your competitors’, why would I invest in you?

If I get your emails and my eyes glaze over and a little bit of drool starts to threaten my keyboard, why would I keep wanting to read your stuff?

If I have to watch one more video of your cat on your Facebook account because you can’t bloody think of what to write… oh… hang on. I quite like the cat videos. You can keep them.

But let’s save you from the blinking cursor of death and not bore your audience to death at the same time. OK?

I know how gutsy you have to be to play ball with the big girls in the online world. There’s so much noise. And you want everyone to like you.

Playing safe (and writing stuff that’s middle of the road) makes no one feel special. You don’t help your readers self-weed, and you don’t make your ideal client feel like they’ve finally found you.

I know you’re really good at your ‘thing’ and you wish you didn’t have to know how to be an entire marketing agency just to get it out there. I get it. You’d just like to be paid while you work in your genius. Fantastic copy will help that happen. Plus, joining will literally cost you about the price of dinner and a movie per week. Only much better for your health.

And much, MUCH cheaper than a decent copywriter.

This is an investment in premium copy training that will continue to pay off for the life of your business – and beyond.

Jay Crisp Crow Online Copywriting Class Crisp Copy Class


for life *

Everything is recorded and uploaded into a members-only platform, available for you to revisit for the life of your access

In fact, if you’re joining in 2023 there are already over 30 hours of education at the touch of a button for you to consume as you like – from Google Analytics and SEO, to email strategy and copy, how to be confident in life (not just business), how to plan using online tools, making dollars from your content, and oodles more. 
This is more than just copywriting training at a basic level, it’s branding and messaging foundational education plus a shed tonne of extras
* that’s the life of the course, not particularly until the day I die, although I’m 7 years into business and counting and have no plans to chuck it all in yet!


These spectacular humans deliver some of their most humanity-filled, honest, and raw trainings you’ll ever watch – all saved for you in the Crisp Copy Vault

Micro copy + How to write your own Press Release + How to write emails without being a douche + Using Pinterest + How to pitch to the Media + SEO + Inclusive language + Profit Streams + How to set up Google Analytics and Search Console + Understanding the psychology of copy + Cultivating confidence + More $$ less hustle + Productivity 101 + How to use Asana to organise content + Blogging 101 + Using Pinterest for sales + How to write for Facebook + loads more (and ever-growing!) Masterclasses by guest experts. Check out who you’ll find in the Copy Vault: 

Sweat-Free Strategic SEO

Meg Casebolt

Megabolt Digital

Using Inclusive Language In Copy

Louise O’Reilly

Louise O’Reilly

From Content To Courses

Sam Winch

Sam Winch

Connect + Captivate + Convert With Content

Swapna Thomas

Swapna Thomas

Consumer Psychology

Crisp Copy Class Carmen Braidwood

Confidence On Camera

Carmen Braidwood

Carmen Braidwood

How To Instagram

Tracy Harris

Mums With Hustle

Use Astrology For Your Copy + Offers

Sophia Pallas 

Sophia Pallas

How To Marry Your Copy & Design

Melissa Love

The Design Space Co

Facebook Advertising Basics

Bianca McKenzie

Bianca McKenzie

How To Be YOU (While Doing Video)

Brittany Bullen

Brittany Bullen

H2H Marketing Basics

Angela Henderson 

Angela Henderson Consulting

… and oodles more … 


I’m not just bossy, I’m the boss. The bacon-bringer, the buck-stops-here-girl. I completely understand the paramount importance of your words making bank. Because I don’t get up every morning, have my false eyelashes on fleek, and have someone give me a blow-dry before waltzing into my writing space coffee in hand.

I’m a working copywriter and copy coach who in 6 short years has dragged my brand from barely-born to charging out at one of the highest hourly rates for freelance copywriters in Australia. I started with $0 and a borrowed laptop and now I’m invited to speak all over the globe about copy and branding.

My words did that.

Fairly quickly, I found an uncanny knack to teach other people how to make theirs do the same. I’m a natural Mentor/Teacher. Can’t help myself. Instead of keeping it all for my intensive clients, in 2018 I launched a new online class –  keeping costs lower than 1:1 training or outsourcing – for those on a budget while still maintaining a ripper level of expert advice and training.

I’m Jay Crisp Crow, proud owner of a funny name, Mother to 3 game-changing people, lover of a Viking, and dedicated, life-long word nerd who just adores seeing someone else nail it.

I’ve written website copy, email copy, launch copy, Sales copy, landing pages, advertising copy, more About pages and biographies you can poke a stick at, socials, awards, grants, policy and procedures, headlines, hooks, eBooks and guides, influencer and stockist letters, magazine articles, blogs, reviews, and even wedding vows. You’d be hard pressed to find anything I haven’t written, though I now focus on website and email copywriting and teaching other women how.

The Crisp Copy Class is my baby. 2 years of planning, 5 years of teaching, tens of thousands of dollars spent in professional course creation advice and tech, over 200 1:1 copy coaching sessions and counting, and now oodles of hours of pre-recorded training available at your fingertips – all for less than it would cost you to hire me to write one website page. 

This isn’t just another Copy 101 course, this is everything you need to build a foundation to write what you mean, and sell what you want. 


I’m not just bossy, I’m the boss. The bacon-bringer, the buck-stops-here-girl. I completely understand the paramount importance of your words making bank. Because I don’t get up every morning, have my false eyelashes on fleek, and have someone give me a blow-dry before waltzing into my writing space coffee in hand.

I’m a working copywriter and copy coach who in 6 short years has dragged my brand from barely-born to charging out at one of the highest hourly rates for freelance copywriters in Australia. I started with $0 and a borrowed laptop and now I’m invited to speak all over the globe about copy and branding.

My words did that.

Fairly quickly, I found an uncanny knack to teach other people how to make theirs do the same. I’m a natural Mentor/Teacher. Can’t help myself. Instead of keeping it all for my intensive clients, in 2018 I launched a new online class –  keeping costs lower than 1:1 training or outsourcing – for those on a budget while still maintaining a ripper level of expert advice and training.

I’m Jay Crisp Crow, proud owner of a funny name, Mother to 3 game-changing people, lover of a Viking, and dedicated, life-long word nerd who just adores seeing someone else nail it.

I’ve written website copy, email copy, launch copy, Sales copy, landing pages, advertising copy, more About pages and biographies you can poke a stick at, socials, awards, grants, policy and procedures, headlines, hooks, eBooks and guides, influencer and stockist letters, magazine articles, blogs, reviews, and even wedding vows. You’d be hard pressed to find anything I haven’t written, though I now focus on website and email copywriting and teaching other women how.

The Crisp Copy Class is my baby. 2 years of planning, 5 years of teaching, tens of thousands of dollars spent in professional course creation advice and tech, over 200 1:1 copy coaching sessions and counting, and now oodles of hours of pre-recorded training available at your fingertips – all for less than it would cost you to hire me to write one website page. 

This isn’t just another Copy 101 course, this is everything you need to build a foundation to write what you mean, and sell what you want. 


words written

Or something. I dunno. According to my computer, I wrote over a million words of bank-making copy for clients just in the past 12 months. I much prefer working with words.

On average, my copy means my client make back the (good amount of) money they spend with me within the first couple of days of launching, I’ve written one Sales Page that brought in $6M over 3 launches, emails that get a 75% average engagement rate, and About pages that seem to have an ability to make people cry. Happy tears.


Copy Projects Completed

Again, according to my Xero this is an actual number. I don’t remember how I calculated before that. With some sticks, pieces of paper, a napkin or two, and tears at the bookkeeper, no doubt. In any case, this is the number of invoices I’ve sent. And someone’s paid. Bonus.

Copy Coaching Clients

As I am a born bossy-pants, a year after I launched my copywriting business I began to coach other women how to DIY, but without the clunk. Through my live programs, courses, in 1:1 intensives, and via downloadable resources, I’ve improved the writing of this many businesswomen directly. Who knows how many more just because I am noisy on the socials and over email? #lovingmyselfsick

Piercings (not telling where)

Because: #random

The Crisp Copy Class is a *one time* investment that’s less than outsourcing just ONE page of copy to a ripper copywriter



1 payment of $500 today

then weekly payments of $110




1 payment of $1200

for lifetime access


$1200 AUD is around $860 USD or £690

All prices are + GST for Australian clients and charged in AUD. Check your exchange rates if you’re in another country – you’ll be pleasantly surprised!


Over 300 women have now enrolled in this course and upped their copy chops. I wish I could introduce you to them all, but we’d need a whole separate page.

And in remembrance of the singularly delicious, irreplaceable light of a human – Kristy.

CCC founding classmate, digital educator, storyteller, wellness warrior, laugh-snorter, and all-round best woman.

In 2022, I partnered with the Freelance Coalition for Developing Countries to offer 5 copywriters who identify as women from diverse backgrounds to participate in the CCC live round under the Crisp Copy amplification of women’s voices commitment. FCDC provides learning resources and mentorship for BIPOC freelancers who need help upskilling and learning the business side of freelancing.

Jay’s Crisp Copy Class changed my business and life completely.

Before taking it, I lacked a lot confidence and wasn’t sure if my writing was good enough to land the high-paying clients I wanted. Now I work with high-paying clients and can say I’m on my way to achieving financial abundance.

Working with Jay was an absolute privilege. She has a gentle and kind approach. Even her corrections are done in the most respectful manner. I feel so blessed to have been part of this cohort.”

Lihle Ndita

Copywriter, Lihle Ndita

“I am a die-hard DIYer, riding the cutting edge of the NewLaw wave, so outsourcing my copy was never in my game plan. Besides, I enjoy writing so much – why should I let someone else have all the fun? The problem was, my website copy did not feel cohesive. It lacked structure, having been written piecemeal in spurts of unguided inspiration, and it was not as delightfully dazzling as I desired it to be. I also thought I lacked the time and motivation to make it better.

Enter Jay’s Crisp Copy Class. Jay’s copy always sizzles superbly and if I was ever going to entrust my copy to another, the ever-feisty Jay would be my first choice. Imagine my joy at finding that she would not only hold my hand and guide me step by step through the process of polishing every word on my website, she had also curated a collection of top-notch marketing experts to teach me all I needed to know about efficiently crafting an effective web presence for my business.

The best thing about the Crisp Copy Class is the inspiration that comes from working with other motivated writers (including Jay herself) to bring out my very best wordsmithery, and then receiving timely (loving) scrutiny to screen out all that is drab and dull.

If you love writing but your website copy lacks lustre (or even if you want to hang out with cool people and have fun playing with words) I cannot recommend the Crisp Copy Class highly enough.”

Michelle Whitehead

Lawyer, Michelle Whitehead

“Like a course, but better! Education + Feedback = Priceless.

I’d been circling my website for months knowing it needed an update, but every time I sat to write, zero came to me. What was I supposed to say? In what order? Using what words? Then back in the too hard basket it would go.

Enter the Crisp Copy Copywriting Course (and community). This group has got to be the next best thing to outsourcing – which isn’t something I personally wanted to do. You get an education that sets you up long-term as well as those “water cooler chats” for check-ins and accountability (as well as Jay’s standard issue humour).

No more wondering what to write or feeling alone behind a computer screen! Watch a monthly call, take notes, do the thing, get feedback, edit and hit publish. Viola! Now I can make my own website changes with confidence”

Kristi Lees

Health Detective, Kristi Lees

“Jay is just awesome!

I have learned soooooo much in the few months I was enrolled in the Crisp Copy Class. Jay was always willing to comment, assist, review, guide, and even pamper and encourage on the tough days. She not only taught me about copy, but also inspired me on how to start a business and run it from home while also have a family and other life commitments.

I will HIGHLY recommend her to anybody who would like to improve their copy on their website, emails, blogs, social media and just life in general! Thanks Jay!”

Riki Deale

Founder, Tame Your Zoo

“Jay is the most amazing and generous teacher. I learnt to find my own voice and have gained so much more confidence in my copywriting from doing the course. I love that I can always come back and refresh in any area.”

Gisela Pineiro

Artist and Founder, The Creativity Counsellor

“I did Jay’s Crisp Copy Class a year or two ago and I still refer back to my notes.

I’ve always love writing and as a digital marketer it has played a big part in my career but it wasn’t until I had the foundational knowledge Jay shares, coupled with her sassy sparkle that I really felt confident to talk about myself as a copywriter.

Since Crisp Copy Class 90% of my clients use my copy writing skills in part of my work for them and I have become a lot braver at my own marketing and messaging.”

Elle Roberts

Business & Brand Development Coach, Rare Seed Agency

“The Crisp Copy Class is phenomenal. The information, the support, the modules, the live calls and coaching, the community… Everything about the Crisp Copy Class is amazing and a must do if you’re an entrepreneur. Jay is AMAZING and you need her in your business copy world!”

Louise O'Reilly

Cultural Consultant, Louise O'Reilly

“Writers like me spend a lifetime refining the craft. Hours are spent on a single sentence. You add a word here, take another there, always in scrutiny of every nuance and slant. Until you end up with a piece of writing so precise in delivery and interpretation, its intended meaning can’t be mistaken.

I wanted to refine my copywriting skills.

When my business coach told me to check out the Crisp Crow website, I did. Jay had me from the first headline. Right smack bang in the palm of her multi-award-winner hand.

I signed up to her… online copy course the minute I heard about it.

I love the structured yet at-your-pace learning style. It means hustling women like me can make it work. I love the friendly and supportive environment. I especially love how Jay’s always available to give support and gentle guidance when you need it.

The course has gone above and beyond supersizing my copy prowess. Jay adds bang for buck by enlisting industry experts to deliver topics on personal branding, SEO, analytics, targeted web pages and more.

I know a heck of a lot more now than I did before the course. It’s given me a confidence kick and I’m a better copywriter for it.

Let’s face it, when Jay gives your copy the thumbs up: life made.

I’d definitely recommend this course to solopreneur business women looking for a content-marketing edge.”

Eva Puardo

Copywriter, Quale Creative

“If you want a course creator who is more of a teacher, really interested in your growth, loves what she does, and who encourages accountability in a practical way, then the person you’re looking for is Jay and the course you want to buy is the course she’s selling.

I was a copywriter before now and I took one paid course but I didn’t feel confident enough and doubted my abilities. Oh my god, the resources. (Jay is) one hell of a course creator. The workbooks are a treasure, easy to arrange thoughts and beautiful to look at. I actually enjoy spending time doing assignments.

Learn with Jay. The experience is enjoyable, the environment is a safe space, she obviously enjoys what she does and you get learn in a practical hands-on method.”

Deborah Olusegun

Email Copywriter & Strategist / Content Writer, Deborah Olusegun

“I knew I could write, in fact, I make money writing copy for other people. But it wasn’t until I joined CCC that MY copy started coming together.

During the course it was great being able to tap almost directly into Jay’s copy and business brain, no question was too stupid and her answers were always crystal clear.

Jay taught me how to write in my voice, and create self-weeding copy that my target market loves.

Being in CCC is a great investment for any businesswoman at any stage – but particularly for those who think boring copy is so yesterday.”

Jennifer Zeven

Copywriter + Author, Blurbology

Jay helps me find the words and meaning of my business with such ease, and then provides the structure in how to share. And she then, so very wonderfully, imparts such empowerment to go out and spread my vision with all that will listen.

So very gorgeous and such amazing value. Go chat with this one, she’s so very worth it.”

Lisa Formosa

Mentor, Innately Me

“The Crisp Copy Course was incredibly useful when I did it a few years ago. I learnt how to write website copy that sounded like me while still resonating with my potential clients.

My sales improved 2 fold after completing the course. I also gained confidence in writing about what I do. Writing copy is not a daunting task any more.

Now years later, I still use the skills I learnt, refer back to the course when needed and engage with the powerful Crisp Copy community that Jay has built around the course.

I highly recommend doing this course if you want to learn how to sell with your words while still being yourself.”

Trish Everett

Mindset Coach, Weave

“Jay is such a word wonder, I loved her Copy Course so much. Jam packed delivering promise after promise, and then some.

For a non-writer, but still knowing that branding and getting my voice out there was, and still is, vitally important in marketing, but feeling tongue tied and terrified, I took the leap into Jay’s DIY course. So grateful for learning the simplified but vitally important structure of writing copy that is heartfelt, sincere and not just your run of the mill blah blah blah. Copy that engages, amuses and converts.

She has given me courage for me to be me, and so, I am, thanks to Jay.

Beth Klenner

Naturopath, Beth Klenner

“Absolutely loved doing Jay’s self paced Crisp Copy Class!

Jay is a copy goddess and Crisp Copy Class is so jam packed full of copy goodness!

Doing Crisp Copy Class has really helped me so much in business, not just to write better copy but its given me the confidence to write it how I really wanted to, not how I thought it be written because everyone said so.

Thanks so much Jay I can’t thank you enough xx”

Kylie Pearce

Instagram Coach + Mindset Mentor, Tallowwood Lane


Good, that’s how you learn!

How much time will the course take?

So, you noticed the price wasn’t $550 +  per hour, right? That’s because I’m not going to do it for you and there’s some work needed from your end. Anything good either needs time or money invested in it – this is an affordable course because it requires you to dig in at least once a week and put aside a couple of hours to do the work.

But, don’t worry if life gets in the way. You have access to the course for as long as I’m in business and the CCC exists (and I’ve no plans to go back to being an employee!) 

How long will I get access to the course?

For the lifetime of the CCC. So far, that’s about 4 years and I’ve no plan to start slowing down anytime soon.

Every lesson of the Crisp Copy Class is recorded and uploaded to the member’s only platform. Every wee while, I review everything and give the course a mini makeover. You’ll be notified when this is happening just in case there’s a lesson you really want to watch before I archive it. Basically, you’ll have access to the core content for the life of the course. 

Hold up! I'm a copywriter, VA, or marketing pro!

You are some of my favourite people, and you’re very welcome in my crew anytime.

This course will teach you how to write your own copy. If you’d like to learn from me how to be a fan-flipping-tastic copywriter and sell this skill to your clients, I have something in the works for that. While you’ll certainly pick up skills in the CCC that will help you write for dosh, this course really is about ensuring you are writing the words you mean to sell yourself and your services. Once that’s sorted, you can add on the option above to get all my insider knowledge about taking yourself from poor, scared little writer to highly paid copywriting royalty. 

If you’re not sure, book a free 15 minute chat with me to figure out which is the best course for you.


There's so much info online for people writing their own copy. Can't I just follow all that advice?

Heck, yes!

How’s that going for you so far?

I wrote over a million words of converting copy last year and people pay me just over $5000 to do this training with me 1:1.

This membership course gives you step-by-step guides to follow, access to me and my experty friends. You do need to do some work but you’ll learn this stuff once and implement it forever more – from writing your own Sales page to always knowing what to write on social media.

I just don't have the time!

Great! Outsource!

Email me and I’ll write your website, emails, socials copy – everything – for you.

But, if you want to learn copywriting practices you can use on every page of your website along with paying a fraction of the price of getting a professional to do it for you, this is a very sweet option, my friend!

But... I'm a bad writer!

1. Poppycock.

2. That’s why I’ve broken down these lessons for you with advice on structure, writing processes, editing, and storytelling.

3. See Point 1.

Don’t want to be a copywriter when you grow up? Goodo. This membership is aimed at smart women in business who want to improve their own copy, and marketing professionals, VAs, and newbie copywriters who want to get better results for their clients. You don’t need to be Tolstoy to kill it.

Why is the CCC only for women?

At its heart, my business exists to amplify the voices of women.

If you identify as a woman, you’re welcome to join the CCC.

Some folk identifying as men have reached out and asked permission to join the CCC self-paced program, and while the content speaks directly to the experiences of growing up in a society that traditionally would love women to be quieter, the fundamental copywriting education is still helpful for anyone – my CCC grad dudes attest to it. 

If you’re unsure, book a chat or send me an email –

I've changed my mind. Can I have a refund?

Listen, don’t do that to yourself.

Don’t be one of those people that signs up for things only to bail on themselves.

Let’s tackle this thing. Do the work. Implement the advice. You’re thinking of signing up for this because you are so darn sick of your copy being the same as your competitors, boring as heck, or feeling totally inauthentic. Or, like, not in existence.

So – officially: because of the immediate access and digital nature of the education, refunds for change of mind will not be given.

However, if your world implodes sometime between the day you purchase this course and 14 days afterwards, as long as you’ve not accessed the course content, we can work something out. If you request to cancel your course in writing to within 14 days of purchasing this course with a valid reason for your request and you’ve not accessed the content, we will reply by email within 2 business days to inform you if a refund has been approved. Once approved, an electronic refund will be issued (less any payment gateway fees) within 14 working days from the date of approval.

Refund requests after the 14 day period will not be approved under any circumstances and at all times we will abide by the Australian Consumer Law in relation to any guarantees for our Services. You can read all my T&Cs here.

I'd rather work with you 1:1
Fantastic, I have something for that. It’s by application only. Check out the options here.