20 Minute Emails

20 minutes of your brain


$20 an email


your entire automated sequence written.

(Zero sobbing)

20 Minute Emails

20 minutes of your brain


$20 an email


your entire automated sequence written.

(Zero sobbing)

What 20me is:

(fast, coz you got things to write)


All the fill-in-the-blank templates and structure taught in my big email copywriting course, without the 4 modules of strategy, brand voice, copywriting foundational work, and super intensive relationship with me.

(I know, you’ll feel some FOMO about that last bit, but you can always upgrade after these sequences start making you some proper dosh!) 

Online Copywriting Courses Crisp Copy

“…a bloody brilliant course to get people started on their email journey!”

20me options:

As Tatiana says: “choices!” 



Sales Sequence

Write a sleaze-fest-free, feel good Launch/Sales Sequence full of conversion copy. Don’t know what conversion copy is? Doesn’t matter because my fill-in-the-blanks prompts and put-it-together-in-this-structure templates have that covered for you.

Bonus: once you’ve written your Sales Sequence once, it’s fully duplicatable and tweakable for every time you need to sell using your precious email list.

Bonus Bonus: you can send me your entire 5 part sequence for a dramatically (coz that’s how I roll) reduced price for 1:1 copy review when you’re done!

$20 an email | 5 part tried-and-tested sequence | discount if you purchase both sequences at once


Nurture Sequence

Welcome/Nurture Sequences have some of the highest rates of engagement across all industries. So, we’re going to write a sequence that not only gets your new best people to love your pants off (not literally) but also start to get them clicking…and buying!

Bonus: you write your Nurture Sequence using this template and you only have to tweak a couple of spots of copy every single time you create a new lead magnet or opt in or freebie. 

Bonus Bonus: you can send me your entire 5 part sequence for a very nurturing (but honest, as fits my part hippy Earth mother/part edgy Business Barbie personality) 1:1 copy review at a reduced price when you’re done!

$20 an email | 5 part tried-and-tested sequence | discount if you purchase both sequences at once

Both at once

Besides knowing all the things about email copy that converts and sells all your stuff, opens hearts while making credit cards call to your reader, getting in and out and all around about Subject Lines, and not yet worrying about regular weekly email comms…

these two templates are everything you need to start writing conversion copy that’s automated and valuable and enticing for your new subscriber.

You’ll have your Welcome emails nurturing the bojingles out of your new best people and a Launch sequence ready for when you’ve got something brilliant to sell. And – there’s no reason you can’t set them to run one after the other. 

Biggest, fattest bonus: You can buy them together and pay LESS THAN $20 AN EMAIL for them if you snaffle them all!


Meet Sherradyn

She has a ripper Launch sequence. I know, as I’ve read it.

Sherradyn had a little bit of initial help with her Sales copy, which is fabulous, as even if you only ever use these templates to ensure you’re getting what you should from the copywriter you outsource to, they’ll be worth it. She used the Launch sequence template to then make her sales copy sound more like her and really nail the structure and flow. 

Here’s what she had to say.

My name’s Sherradyn, I’m a small business owner. I work as a nutritionist and help women get to the root cause of their bloating and gut issues.

I bought Jay’s 20ME templates because I’m doing a launch for my new program, The Gut Health Solution, and I’d written out my sales sequence but I just felt really uncertain about it, and I wanted more confidence in what I was delivering to my people. So, I grabbed Jay’s template because I didn’t have the time to go through and do a whole course, and I just wanted it right now.

So I bought the template and applied the principles in her template to my currently written sales sequence, which was super, super helpful because, although it might have been easier if I’d come across it earlier and written it from scratch with hers, I was really proud of what I had written already, but just needed to fine-tune it, and needed support now without the high price point of a) paying someone to write a whole sales sequence for me, or b) pay someone, you know, valuable time but to go through and edit it themselves. And I wanted to learn how to improve my sales writing because it’s not something that I’m very good at, and I guess having the templates really given me a lot of structure as to how I can apply that to other areas. So, you know, even my social media or even my wording, my branding, across my nurture, my welcome sequences as well.

But the tipping point that really got me across the line is, one, I’m not an impulse buyer, I never buy things just on the fly. I have followed Jay since the very beginning of my business journey. Well, I went full time almost a year ago, but it was a couple years before that when I first looked into building websites, and my mentor at the time put me on to Jay and I followed her stuff and I actually used her templates for a lot of my branding at the start, and a lot of my grabbing testimonials from people, and also some of my email sequences and copy pages and landing pages as well. So, since then I have redone my website and I have gotten help with someone to do the copy again. But Jay’s been influential for me from the start and, I do, I really love all her content, everything across the board, and I wanted to do her email course for a very long time, but it’s just been a time and a money thing.

So now I finally got the template which is great for my sales sequences, and it was so much easier. Like, I just felt I had someone guiding me through it when I was going through editing it. But on top of that she spent over an hour with me today going through it and spending the time to fine-tune it and put… I guess because I was scared of putting someone else’s brand voice into it, but it works perfectly, and her feedback was amazing and the tips and the pointers I got from her apply for all my other launches as well.

So, thank you Jay. I really appreciate it. I appreciate your time. It, yeah, your feedback is incredible, your templates are the perfect starting point, and for anyone who’s uncertain whether, you know, Jay’s program is right for you, I don’t know because I haven’t done it, but I have full confidence that in a couple months when I’m at that point I will want to do it. But if you just need something here and now, go get her templates because they’re all amazing, they’re awesome. She is a genius, she’s a word whiz and I, yeah, I’m so grateful for everything you do for us.

“You gave me clarity and confidence in writing emails…I can talk till the cows come home, I know my brand inside out… and my ideal clients – but when I have to write and email every single bit of creativity vanishes into lockdown!

And I now feel like I’ve got a killer sales sequence coming!”

Jen Bowers, Brand Coach & Stylist – Pink Pom Pom

Jay Crisp Crow Crisp Copy Website Copywriter Copywriting Services

Wait, who the heck am I to sell you email templates? 

My name is Jay Crisp Crow and right…now, my email list just brought me in some cake/braces/PD/dance lessons dollars 

and I didn’t even have to do anything.

Why? Because Crisp Copy has multiple funnels with multiple lead magnets going to (slightly) different Nurture Sequences then to regular emails then to Sales Sequences during launch mode. And they’re all working towards getting my favourite people – my email subscribers – to know me, see if they like the cut of my jib, and then offering those best folk some of my most valuable services. But you? You only need one sequence to start. A good one.

I have been dubbed “Australia’s Conversion Copywriting Queen” and I’m keeping that title. My emails have a 75%+ engagement rate on average and I’ve written Sales copy raking in the millions for clients.

In 2020, I launched Unfail Your Email, a comprehensive email copywriting program covering everything from brand voice to Subject Lines that get opened, and although that’s a flipping brilliant course and you should defo do it sometime, some of my soft-spot future clients are bootstrapping start-ups right now

and need to get over this first hurdle of writing email copy that sells – and fast.

So, I’ve pulled out two of the most valuable resources from that big course and offered them to people who need it. Perhaps that’s you. In which case – hurry up! You can find 20 minutes today, right?

Immediate access

So you can set aside 20 minutes today and get your first email written – pronto 

Lifetime-of-the-resource access

So you’ll have access to any future updates, to boot

For only $20 an email or less

$50 AUD is around $35 USD, without using charm pricing – because I know you’re smart enough to get $49 is really $50, and my system will add on the appropriate tax depending on where you are in the world


Sales/Launch Sequence Only

Sales + Nurture Sequences

Nurture/Welcome Sequence Only