Want to sell ALL. YOUR. STUFF?
Wee bit scared by the idea of conversion copy?
Or just don’t want to be a spammy, sleazy McSalesy pants?
The Crisp Copy Spectacularly Simple Sales Page Bundle is so sumptuously straightforward, you’ll be whipping up converting Sales pages faster than a salmon and strawberry jam sandwich.
Or Vegemite and banana, if you’re my kid.

I know, I’m sorry, don’t cry.
When it comes to Sales copy, brand storytelling won’t cut it. Luckily, you happen to know a Sales page conversion copywriter. The kind that writes $3,500 Sales pages for clients who use them to have a $2M (yerp, two. million. dollar) launch or who suddenly see a 50% increase on conversions.
Oh, hey. That copywriter is me.
And guess what?
I use this exact template every single time I write a Sales page from scratch.
If you don’t want to pay $4,00 for an amazingly converting Sales page but you’re also done with paying for someone else to do it for cheaper because it’s just not working, it might be time to
learn to write your own highly-converting Sales page your own darn self.
Because once you do it one time, and it works, you can duplicate it again and again to sell all your things now and forevermore.
“thank you to the ace Jay Crisp Crow… I put what I learnt into creating my sales page for my new course…”
“the best time, money, and energy you could spend”

The Crisp Copy Spectacularly Simple Sales Page Bundle is a 30+ page guide including:
✔️ Sales page basics
(because no one really wants to admit they don’t know the difference between a Sales page and a Landing page and what the heck difference is there from your Service page copy?)
✔️ Conversion copy lesson
Complete with myth de-bunking, a crash course on how to be a conversion copywriter, and what it actually means
✔️ How to reverse-engineer your Sales page
Figuring out where you ultimately want your people to get to, and then working backwards from there
✔️ And a template to follow to tick ALL the Sales page boxes
Fully fillable worksheet so you can learn and take notes and write little gold nuggets down as they come to you
✔️ AND a visual guide to follow for layout and structure
(beccause how it looks is going to make a difference to the flow, yo)
“It’s true what they say about you! You are amazing. Can’t thank you enough for your help with my sales page.
You took away all my fear and gave me the confidence to move forward when I felt like giving up. You’re the freakin’ best Jay.”
Elsa Mitchell – Business Geek at Elsa Mitchell Consulting

Nothing sweeter than a free upgrade!
Because this template is the same one we use in the Crisp Copy Class, every year it gets an upgrade. Yep, the tens of thousands of dollars I spend on my own knowledge development gets blended up in my mint green SMEG and ladled onto the top of all my downloadables like freshly whipped cream.
Every time I upgrade the package, add another real life example, or stack on some extra bonuses, you’ll get an email to let you know.
For the life of the course
“My perfect people now engage and respond to my words.”

Why learn from me?
Well, I bring the treats.
I’m not just bossy, I’m the boss. The bacon-bringer, the buck-stops-here-girl. I completely understand the paramount importance of your words making bank. Because I don’t get up every morning, have my false eyelashes on fleek, and have someone give me a blow-dry before waltzing into my writing space coffee in hand.
I’m a working copywriter and copy coach who in 6 short years has dragged my brand from barely-born to charging out at one of the highest hourly rates for freelance copywriters in Australia. I started with $0 and a borrowed laptop and now I’m invited to speak all over the globe about copy and branding, sales and structure, entrepreneurship and sometimes musical theatre. (Actually, that last point is untrue, I just throw in references for fun.)
My words did that.
Fairly quickly, I found an uncanny knack to teach other people how to make theirs do the same. I’m a natural Mentor/Teacher. Can’t help myself. Instead of keeping it all for my intensive clients, in 2018 I launched a brand new online copywriting class – keeping costs lower than 1:1 training or outsourcing – for those on a budget while still maintaining a ripper level of expert advice and training. And it was the first in Australia to be created solely for women in business and give weekly, individual feedback to every course participant.
I’m Jay Crisp Crow, proud owner of a funny name, Mother to 3 game-changing people, lover of a Viking, and dedicated, life-long word nerd who just adores seeing someone else nail it.
I’ve written website copy, email copy, launch copy, Sales copy, landing pages, advertising copy, more About pages and biographies you can poke a stick at, socials, awards, grants, policy and procedures, headlines, hooks, eBooks and guides, influencer and stockist letters, magazine articles, blogs, reviews, and even wedding vows. You’d be hard pressed to find anything I haven’t written, though I now focus on email and website copy (my specialities are Sales and About pages) and teaching other women how.