find your own brand voice
** there’s no power in being an echo of someone else’s **

find your own brand voice
there’s no power in being an echo of someone else’s
you here for secrets?
Here’s one:
Website and email copy without solid brand foundations are not much more than pretty words on a screen.
Looks nice: doesn’t do much.
The Crisp Copy Brand Voice Development Workbook takes you through figuring out who you are, what you stand for, who you’re writing for, how you should communicate with them (and where), and – most importantly – how you’re going to alleviate their cold-sweat-panic-3am sessions and make them cry tears of “thank HECKERY I found you” at the same time
“a big big thank you for making the copywriting so easy for me…”
how would it feel to have a brand ‘bible’?
Or whatever other book of values you like to live by.
A carefully considered, always accessible at the touch of a button book of holy commandments to guide your brand’s behaviour and beliefs, ensure consistency in messaging and visuals, and keeps your audience believing in your divine purpose.
Do you suddenly hear choirs of angels?
If religious metaphors aren’t really your gig, think about it similar to your visual style guide – but for your brand voice. Like the one your graphic designer created you; a definitive document to return to every time you need to make a brand decision.
From what words you use as a sign off on your emails to how your receptionist answers the phone, to who you’ll collaborate with and align your brand to – this is an evolutionary, working document you can go to so you’re never starting from scratch with the blinking cursor of death flickering pointedly at your blank Word doc.

I’ve written tens of millions of words of converting copy for startups to big companies planning multi-million dollar launches and I 100% know your brand voice is the defining factor when it comes to if your copy converts or not
And this is the exact starting point, asking most of the exact same questions, I use when I work with a brand to develop their messaging and brand voice.
If you don’t want to pay me anywhere in the realm of a small family car to do it for you but you do want a rock(star)-sold foundation so you can DIY, this is where to start.
“I completed this Brand Voice doc with the Showstopper course – and it was so amazing in order to consolidate all my thoughts and feelings surrounding me and my brand voice.
t is such a great reference tool in pretty much anything that I do now and in the future where I feel stuck!”
– Anna Walsh, Happy Mash

The Crisp Copy Brand Voice Foundations workbook is a chunky little bundle of brilliance
+ 50+ pages of guidance, prompts, examples, and gentle prodding including:
+ Uncovering your brand voice – discover what message your brand is currently communicating (and gain clarity on how to improve your front-of-mind-ness)
+ Creating a Word Bank – so you start to layer a new story for your best people (with the words you want)
+ Writing Brand and Benefit Statements, Value Propositions, and teasing out the essence of your voice (so you never have to start writing a headline or tagline from scratch)
+ Teasing our your true ideal and favourite clients with a set of questions actually relevant to helping you write those folk copy (one marketing pro client said this was the best set of questions out of the hundreds of ideal client avatar exercises she’s ever done!)
+ advice to write compelling headlines, increase engagement and conversions through persuasive language and storytelling, how to establish a consistent brand voice feeling across all your marketing platforms, choosing keywords, naming offerings, and how to ditch boring and find your copy confidence!

“I can write about anything and everything, except myself and why people should part with their hard-earned for my services!
Jay’s Brand Copy Foundations workbook switched on that little lightbulb over my head and helped me nail my words, once, so I don’t have to stare at the blinking cursor and think “now what?” ever again.”
Sandi Friedlos – Fertility Coach at Sandi Friedlos
bonus: who doesn’t love upgrades?
Because this template is the same one we use in the Crisp Copy Class, every year it gets an upgrade. Yep, the tens of thousands of dollars I spend on my own knowledge development gets blended up in my mint green SMEG and ladled onto the top of all my downloadables like freshly whipped cream.
Every time I upgrade the package, add another real life example, or stack on some extra bonuses, you’ll get an email to let you know.
why learn from me?
I’m not just bossy, I’m the boss. The bacon-bringer, the buck-stops-here-girl. I completely understand the paramount importance of your words making bank. Because I don’t get up every morning, have my false eyelashes on fleek, and have someone give me a blow-dry before waltzing into my writing space coffee in hand.
I’m a working copywriter and copy coach who in 6 short years has dragged my brand from barely-born to charging out at one of the highest hourly rates for freelance copywriters in Australia. I started with $0 and a borrowed laptop and now I’m invited to speak all over the globe about copy and branding, sales and structure, entrepreneurship and sometimes musical theatre. (Actually, that last point is untrue, I just throw in references for fun.)
My words did that.
Fairly quickly, I found an uncanny knack to teach other people how to make theirs do the same. I’m a natural Mentor/Teacher. Can’t help myself. Instead of keeping it all for my intensive clients, in 2018 I launched a brand new online copywriting class – keeping costs lower than 1:1 training or outsourcing – for those on a budget while still maintaining a ripper level of expert advice and training. And it was the first in Australia to be created solely for women in business and give weekly, individual feedback to every course participant.
I’m Jay Crisp Crow, proud owner of a funny name, Mother to 3 game-changing people, lover of a Viking, and dedicated, life-long word nerd who just adores seeing someone else nail it.
I’ve written website copy, email copy, launch copy, Sales copy, landing pages, advertising copy, more About pages and biographies you can poke a stick at, socials, awards, grants, policy and procedures, headlines, hooks, eBooks and guides, influencer and stockist letters, magazine articles, blogs, reviews, and even wedding vows. You’d be hard pressed to find anything I haven’t written, though I now focus on email and website copy (my specialities are Sales and About pages) and teaching other women how.

“I just wanted to take a second to tell you how grateful I am that someone like you is out there doing what you’re doing in the way you are. If you were the first copywriting “guru” I had found, I would have saved SO much time, frustration, and money. It’s such a breath of fresh air to find someone who I feel like not only speaks my language but also gives such tremendous value!
I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on my inbox for anything new you create and with your brand voice development guide, I feel like I have a whole new service I can offer my clients and I can’t WAIT to try it out! …”
– Jes Copely, Copywriter
less than dinner and a show to save your (brand) sanity?
Here’s where to order: