Freshen up your funnel, fast

A funnel-friendly, fuss-free bundle of my best copywriting templates and resources for fan-flipping-tastic funnels
(finished off with some hand holding and fresh eyes from a sales and email copywriter specialising in conversion)
Imagine a platform where you can ride the wave of engaged, consensual, feel-good communication.
A platform with a proven possibility of 4100% return on investment.
A platform where hot-stuff leads roll out their red carpet and invite you into their hearts, minds, and inboxes fairly begging you to educate them, entertain them, and sell them your stuff.
Here’s the thing:
you already have that platform
It’s your email marketing program. And I bet, if you’re reading this,
you’re not utilising it to its full, fabulous potential
I plan to change that.
If you’ve been DIYing your email copy forever (or staunchly ignoring your email marketing platform altogether), you might have already partly convinced yourself “email marketing is dead.”
Franky, email marketing is so alive and kicking, it’s scoring goals *and* taking names
In fact, it’s booming so hard that thronging might be one of the reasons your email copy isn’t working so well for you.
Because great emails? They don’t get read. Not if the Subject Line isn’t much chop. Not if your emails are massively inconsistent. And definitely not if you only remember to write to your best people when you want to sell them stuff.
The drop-dead beauty of setting up funnels is you write them once, they work for you forever more
Cultivating engaged, responsive subscribers who actively look forward to your emails and who sometimes *gasp* hit reply – while lining up to buy your thing.
You want subscribers to *feel* enthused and very, very button clicky about your emails
Good, I want that for you too.

This is Funnel Up, a frankly brilliant bundle of the best resources you can use to upgrade your funnels topped off with cream and a cherry:
Yes, I’ll review your entire funnel when you’re done refreshing your whole shebang.
Then, you can set the thing to go, bring you brand lover lovers, and money in the bank.
“…I highly recommend working with Jay if you have funnel shame too, she’s seriously a sales copywriting gem” – Bianca McKenzie, Marketing Superstar
What’s at the click of a button?
Entice With Emails
Super speedy, 4 part video + written notes series to start your funnel adventure.
- Ideas and strategy around offering a freebie for your opt in (or how to get folk to trade their email address for your valuable information)
- The basics of what you need on your Landing Page
- Ideas and strategy for a Thank You Page (that upsells your new subscriber into your next – paid – thing)
- Strategy around planning a Nurture Sequence
Valued at $25, it’s a fabulous little start on how to get your head around creating (or refreshing) a converting funnel

Landing Page Workbook
I’ve stripped back all the fluff and made your Landing Page copywriting and creation as simple as 1 + 2 + 3!
- 30 + pages of step-by-step workbook prompts
- Copy and structure advice to write a converting Landing Page and get hot leads wanting you in their inbox
- Bonus: some super simple copy formulas and fill-in-the-blank options for the super busy!
Usually $70, use this template and have your Landing Page copy written – and structured – in 20 minutes.
20 Minute Emails – Nurture
Welcome/Nurture Sequences have some of the highest rates of engagement across all industries. So, we’re going to write a sequence that not only gets your new best people to love your pants off (not literally) but also start to get them clicking…and buying!
- Fill in the blank templates for writing your 5 – 7 part Nurture/Welcome Sequence
- Ideas for structure and sending
Usually $100, this is the exact template I use to start testing my Nurture Sequences (and selling, while folk are falling in lurve with me over email)

Sales Page Template
Guess What? I use this exact template every single time I write a client’s Sales Page from scratch (and charge $5K to do it!)
Sales page basics (because no one really wants to admit they don’t know the difference between a Sales page and a Landing page and what the heck difference is there from your Service page copy?)
Conversion copy lesson (complete with myth de-bunking, a crash course on how to be a conversion copywriter, and what it actually means)
How to reverse-engineer your Sales page (figuring out where you ultimately want your people to get to, and then working backwards from there)
Template to follow to tick ALL the Sales page boxes
Visual guide to follow for layout and structure (beccause how it looks is going to make a difference to the flow, yo)
Usually $90, this Sales Page has launched hundreds and hundreds of services, offers, courses, and even products for clever folk all around the world
20 Minute Emails – Sales
Write a sleaze-fest-free, feel good Launch/Sales Sequence full of conversion copy. Don’t know what conversion copy is? Doesn’t matter because my fill-in-the-blanks prompts and put-it-together-in-this-structure templates have that covered for you.
- Fill in the blank templates for writing your 5 – 7 part Sales/Launch Sequence (and get good folk to that new Sales Page of yours!)
- Ideas for structure and sending
Usually $100, this is the exact template I use to start testing my Sales and Launch Sequences (I have a 70%+ engagement rate on my emails, even during a launch!)

Social Media Copy Easy Peasy Style
So you can write gorgeous socials posts that’ll get folk clicking through to your brand new Landing Page and positively gagging to sign up to your opt in.
35+ page workbook of templates, examples, and prompts to easily write your socials copy
Plus a pre-recorded online copywriting class for a little strategy and how-to
Usually only included for my Crisp Copy Class students, this resource has been so widely fawned over I’ve decided to sell it individually
“I used Jay’s Sales Copy template to write my sales pages, and the guide made the process SO SIMPLE and easy for me. I’m not a copywriter or talented at writing sales pages, so having a guide that showed me what to write and how to write it… I highly recommend this Word Bird!” – Diana Todd, Taxpert at Balance Tax
Wait? What was that about getting fresh eyes on your final product?
As part of this package, you can choose to pick up an hour of my copywriting brain to look over your final drafts, suggest changes, make amendments, and let you know if it’s good to go.
It’s that final piece of the puzzle to give you some funnel copy confidence.
Usually $550 per hour for 1:1 copy mentoring, this is snaffling me up for a massively discounted rate – only as part of this package. And you don’t even have to turn up to the Zoom call – I’ll do it all for you, make notes, suggest those changes, and record the whole thing for you to watch back and implement as you go. In your own sweet time!

Why would you want to learn from me?
I’m not just bossy, I’m the boss. The bacon-bringer, the buck-stops-here-girl. I completely understand the paramount importance of your words making bank. Because I don’t get up every morning, have my false eyelashes on fleek, and have someone give me a blow-dry before waltzing into my writing space coffee in hand.
I’m a working copywriter and copy coach who in 6 short years dragged my brand from barely-born to charging out at one of the highest hourly rates for freelance copywriters in Australia. I started with $0 and a borrowed laptop and now I’m invited to speak all over the globe about copy and branding, sales and structure, entrepreneurship and sometimes musical theatre. (Actually, that last point is untrue, I just throw in references for fun.)
My words did that.
Fairly quickly, I found an uncanny knack to teach other people how to make theirs do the same. I’m a natural Mentor/Teacher. Can’t help myself. Instead of keeping it all for my intensive clients, in 2018 I launched a brand new online copywriting class – keeping costs lower than 1:1 training or outsourcing – for those on a budget while still maintaining a ripper level of expert advice and training. And it was the first in Australia to be created solely for women in business and give weekly, individual feedback to every course participant.
That individual feedback? Rocked folks’ worlds.
I’m Jay Crisp Crow, proud owner of a funny name, Mother to 3 game-changing people, lover of a Viking, and dedicated, life-long word nerd who just adores seeing someone else nail it.
6 copy resources + 40 minutes of Jay Brain
= $1,237 if you purchased one at a time
or grab Funnel Up for one payment of $444 AUD
All prices are in AUD + GST for Australian clients
$444 AUD = approx $310 USD or £250

Here are some other interesting things to note about moi:
- Every day I make recurring income from my Nurture sequence. Not a Sales sequence, just a regular ‘Welcome to the Crew of Crisp’ set of emails with strategic links scattered through
- Teaches non-copywriters to write their own Nurture, Sales, and client/customer communications with fabulous results
- Uses innate empathetic and intuitive powers to read between ‘your’ lines so I can get in the head and heart of your ideal clients. (This is completely woo and I’ll tell you all about it if you’re into that or never mention it again if you’re not!)
- Leaves ego at the door. Process includes encouraging you to pull apart the first draft, if that’s your desire, then putting it back together for you – even better than the first time
- Currently has a 4 – 6 week lead time for done-for-you copywriting, so this is the quickest, and most cost-effective, way to get my brain into your copy pronto
- You’re still reading this right now. That says something, right?
Ohhhh, so you’re a *reader*! We’re going to get along just fine! Here are the FAQ you might have made it to the bottom of this page to read:
What even *is* copywriting?
Well, hello, my new friend! How did you make your way here? If we haven’t met before, I’m a copywriter. Has zip to do with legals, everything to do with words that make your best new client or customer absolutely fall over themselves to hand over their credit card details and possibly also propose some kind of long term relationship with your brand.
Copywriting is a process of carefully structuring the right words to make the reader take an action. It’s words that sell things – from your product Sales page to the back cover advertisement in a newspaper.
Good copywriting showcases not only the features of your service or product but also the benefits, and makes your ideal clients realise they need your thing – it converts readers to buyers and compels the people you want to sell to to take an action.
I don't know the first thing about funnels.
Cool beans, that’s why you need these resources!
If you’d like to do a spot of reading about Nurture Sequences (which are the emails you’ll be writing first) take a look here.
How will the resources be delivered?
Funnily enough, in a funnel.
No, I won’t send you one email once with a whole lot of links and then never remind you about your access to them.
I’ll also pop all the resources in a list I reckon you should start with first all the way through to prompting you to send me your stuff to take a look at it.
Hint: steal the good ideas you like about receiving these emails for your own funnel!
But, I haven't even figured out who I am as a brand yet.
You know what? It’s good you know this! So many businesses start pulling together these kinds of processes and go off launching things without having a solid brand voice in place yet.
If you’re not about to do that, you’re already ahead of the game.
I can help you with the brand voice thing, though. Use the code: FUNNELUP to get 50% off the exact resource I use every time I write a client’s brand voice development document for them (usually, I charge $6K to do this).
How long will the feedback process take?
Unlike waiting about for done-for-you copy, once you send me your final drafts over email (or you can share your Google Doc) I’ll have your review back to you within a week. *
As long as it’s not a big ol’ holiday – like Christmas!
How long do I have before I have to get the copy drafts to you?
I’d love to say 12 weeks to really put a bomb up this process and get things moving, will you accept that?
If not, and if life gets in the way, just ensure you book your feedback session within 12 months of first purchasing Funnel Up. I want to ensure I don’t retire before you’re ready.
Can I check out the resources individually?
You sure can. They’re all listed here on my Copy Courses page.
How long do I have access to the materials?
For the life of the resources. It hasn’t been very often, but once in a while I’ve retired previous courses or put them on pause while I’ve done an upgrade. That’s mostly been for my big courses, though, and these are workbooks and templates, so you’re pretty safe to access them any old time and when you’re ready.
Or, done with the DIY and ready to talk dollars?
Download my Copy Menu with all pricing and inclusions (includes link to chat, if you need, and an application form)

©Crisp Copy
2016 – 2023
If you steal my words I’ll send my teenagers to your house… with their kitten

Jay Crisp Crow She/Her – Words that open hearts and bank accounts for folk identifying as women