The Crisp Copy Process

Step 1 : Where We’re At Now

I’ve sent you the Copy Menu along with anything else you’ve requested and we may have emailed back and forward a bit. 

We’re now at the point where you’ve said: “heck, yes!” (or a derivative) and I’m about to ask you to turn your attention to some important documents.

All important documents for Step 1:

1. Our agreement sent to you over email (try SmallPDF to sign the contract)
2. My invoice sent to your inbox via Xero

Step 2 : All The Paperwork 

Once all the paperwork *yawn* is filed away in their proper virtual homes, we can get cracking.

As soon as our agreement and payment gets back to me, and we’ve completed our client briefing session, I will schedule your work to my calendar and let you know a start date and ETA.

This is a jump-up-and-down-worthy piece of information: I will hold off on scheduling in your work until these 3 steps are completed.

As outlined in my initial proposal, all copywriting and editing work has an approximate 6-8-week lead time. I’ll certainly let you know in our first emails if that timing is longer, sometimes it will be shorter.

I can usually fulfil a rush order, with a 25 % additional fee , and if you’ve chosen this option it will be reflected on your invoice.

If we’re not rush ordering, please allow the full lead time then the 2-4 weeks (where I’m working on your copy) for the delivery of your first draft.

This will arrive in your email inbox and, if the work is copywriting (not editing), you have 10 days to let me know if you need an amendment. After this time the copy belongs solely to you and is deemed approved and you may use it anywhere (and I suggest you repurpose it all over the place!) Editing is billed by the hour so if you need amendments, simply book extra time with me.

All important task for Step 2:

If you’ve booked in for done-for-you copy, please use the link in your documents to book your brand briefing ASAP. Let me know if you’d prefer to answer some questions in writing before we meet over Zoom. If you’ve booked in for copy mentoring, please use the link to book as many (or all) of your sessions as you like. 

Step 3 : The Immersion

I’d love you to make it easy for me to stalk you.

So, I’ll set up a Dropbox folder for you so you can send me all kinds of good things – testimonials, other marketing material you’ve created, client avatar documents, pre-written content, style guides – anything that might make it easier for me to capture your brand voice. 

This is the time to hook me up on some blind dates with your best clients, too. 



Step 4 : The Work

I’m an intuitive copywriter with an eye for copywriting structure and design and I plan to wade deep into your brand. My specialty  is writing in your voice while considering the needs of your ideal clients and advocates, so l might be in touch a couple of times over email to ask you about specific words or statements.

Once the copy has been written, I structure the document out with easy to follow colour coded instructions so your web developer, designer, or you (if you’re content populating yourself) can follow them to ensure your copy is formatted in a way for maximum conversion.

Before I send the final draft to you, l also run copy past a professional proofreader so it’s perfectly polished and ready to go.

Step 5: Tweaking

Many folk find the first draft is the perfect draft and “hoorah” and “huzzah” their way to populating the new copy on their website.

If the copy needs tweaking, now’s your chance to give me all your feedback.

You have 10 days from the time the copy hits your inbox to send me back notes and/or suggested revisions. After this 10 days, the copy officially belongs to you.

Please complete this step using Google Docs with ‘Suggesting’ on or Word Doc with tracked changes. Unfortunately, I can’t accept printed out and handwritten notes, multiple emails with sections rewritten, or smoke signals. I mean, I’m good, but we want to get this spot on.

If you decide in a couple of months time you’d like some amendments, simply book in some editing time at my Client Only editing rate. 


Shuffle Hop Step 6 : Partay

It’s time to celebrate yourself and perfectly delicious copy for your website, emails, or advertising. We can also have a chat about what’s next!

If that isn’t cause for celebration, I just don’t know what is.

Snap on your party hat, girl!

Bonus causes for kicking up your heels: you can now access a Client Only editing rate and, if you’ve booked in a Sales Page to be written, we’ll be catching up again after your launch to check out how it’s converting and make any changes the data tells us needs to be made. 

I’ll bring the virtual non-alco slushy margaritas. 


What about a chat?

Some people love a Skype, coffee, or wine chat. I love all of those too, except I am super careful with my time. This keeps my prices as low as possible so that you’re not paying an excess for me swanning about eating cake with potential clients.

I work 1:1 Zoom calls into most of my packages and can add a 30 or 60 minute session into any copy package you choose. Otherwise, fire me an email –

© Copyright 2016 - 2024
Jay Crisp Crow + Crisp Copy

If you steal my words I'll
send my teenagers to your house
...with their kitten

Make your reader lick the screen