No. More. Yawn-Worthy. Emails

Done-for-you, snore-free sequences from an email copywriter specialising in conversion
to make your subscribers fall completely in love with you
(and be utterly gagging to whip out their credit card)
Imagine a platform where you can ride the wave of engaged, consensual, feel-good communication.
A platform with a proven possibility of 4100% return on investment.
A platform where hot-stuff leads roll out their red carpet and invite you into their hearts, minds, and inboxes fairly begging you to educate them, entertain them, and sell them your stuff.
Here’s the thing:
you already have that platform
It’s your email marketing program. And I bet, if you’re reading this,
you’re not utilising it to its full, fabulous potential
I plan to change that.

Want to know a truth about your latest email subscriber?
They love to buy stuff.
People love to buy stuff.
The truth is the good people on your email list want to be there. They’ve asked to be there. They’ve opted in to get more of you in the singularly most protected place online – their email inbox.
They’re prepped to be nurtured from slightly curious to totally in love with you and your brand.
And they want to buy something.
Our plan is to make it your something.
If your email marketing isn’t converting like a total machine, it’s not email marketing’s fault
It’s that your emails are making folks’ eyes glaze over in sheer boredom (or just all-the-samedom) before they can really absorb why your particular offer is so darn good.
I’m a conversion copywriter blending a specialisation in Sales copy with unbridled empathy and Brand Voice magic
writing Launch emails, Sales emails, and Nurture/Welcome email sequences
for bold brands ready to sell
“I hired Jay to help with writing an email welcome sequence for my small business.
Best. Decision. EVER.
My creative juices were stuck, my computer screen blinking at me.
I found Jay and knew I’d hit the jackpot. Jay took my blah descriptions and crafted a masterpiece that sounded more like me than I do. I wanted to read it again and again and the paragraphs left me thirsty for more! It was like she crawled into my brain and found my voice for me.
Her copy results in excellent open rates and high conversion.
Her ability to craft words is absolutely unparalleled.
Highly recommended. Hire her immediately.”
Meggan Wehmeyer – Farmer’s Body

Find stats sexy?

from one 7-part Sales sequence (and we didn’t even get to send the final 3 emails as the program sold out)

12 hours
for a client to double her click-through-rate and stroll into work with packages booked out from her updated EDM

email engagement rate (that’s not just opens, friends!)
How about these?

of people commit to reading an email based on the Subject Line alone (so yours better be good!)

4.3 billion
people shopped, learnt, and bought through email in 2022 (and that’s set to rise to 4.6 billion in 2025!) Yep, that’s about half the people across the entire globe

333 billion
emails are sent to folk like your ideal clients and customers every. single. day
How are yours going to stand out?
If you’ve been DIYing your email copy forever, you might have already partly convinced yourself “email marketing is dead.”
Franky, email marketing is so alive and kicking, it’s scoring goals *and* taking names
In fact, it’s booming so hard that thronging might be one of the reasons your email copy isn’t working so well for you.
Because great emails? They don’t get read. Not if the Subject Line isn’t much chop. Not if your emails are massively inconsistent. And definitely not if you only remember to write to your best people when you want to sell them stuff.
The drop-dead beauty of email sequences is you write them once, they work for you forever more
Cultivating engaged, responsive subscribers who actively look forward to your emails and who sometimes *gasp* hit reply – while lining up to buy your thing.
You want subscribers to *feel* enthused and very, very button clicky about your emails
Good, I want that for you too.

“…I highly recommend working with Jay if you have funnel shame too, she’s seriously a sales copywriting gem”
Done with the DIY and ready to talk dollars?
Download my Copy Menu with all pricing and inclusions (includes link to chat, if you need, and an application form)
Already know you’re in?

Let’s talk dollars…
You might notice my copywriting offerings are specialised. I don’t write social media copy, I only edit copy for return clients, and I don’t blog for pay (just for fun). Website and email copy, specifically Nurture and Sales/Launch sequences are my speciality.
My aim? To get the dosh you invested with me to get this thing written back to you ASAP. How? By increasing your click-through-rate, conversion rate, and having people actually reply to your emails and tell you how much they love you.
…because your emails should be making you some

5 Part Sales/Launch Sequence
A Sales or Launch Sequence for those ready to sell beautifully to the folk who’ve asked to be kept up-to-date with everything you offer.
Includes pre-sale, early bird, and cart closing emails full of storytelling and reader engagement so good, your subscribers will be patting themselves on the back for being one of your VIPs

5 Part Nurture/Welcome Sequence
A Welcome or Nurture sequence so delicious, it has new subscribers falling in love with you, and falling over themselves to find out what else you offer.
Based on buyer-psychology and with a good understanding of your ideal client in mind, we can strategically scatter upsells throughout your sequence so your new best people not only feel utterly embraced (in a fully consensual way) but also enthusiastic to start spending money with your brand

Landing Page Add On
Need a page that captures interest and email addresses? This add-on will build your list and convert your lead magnet into moolah.
Can be bundled and also include a Thank You page upsell
from $1200
You can bundle email copywriting with my other copywriting services and pay a package price

I’m Jay Crisp Crow
and here are some things you should know if you’re considering whether I’m the right email copywriter for you
- Every day I make recurring income from my Nurture sequence. Not a Sales sequence, just a regular ‘Welcome to the Crew of Crisp’ set of emails with strategic links scattered through
- Teaches non-copywriters to write their own Nurture, Sales, and client/customer communications with fabulous results
- Has a flexible but tried-and-tested process to get all the facts (and other stuff you may not think is important but I’ll actually turn into powerful selling elements) from out of your head and into your email copy
- Been at this for 7 years now and made a whole lot of people a whole lot of money
- Uses innate empathetic and intuitive powers to read between ‘your’ lines so I can get in the head and heart of your ideal clients. (This is completely woo and I’ll tell you all about it if you’re into that or never mention it again if you’re not!)
- Doesn’t accept copywriting work for products or services I’m not completely aware or totally comfortable with (but will recommend you onto someone great for you)
- Leaves ego at the door. Process includes encouraging you to pull apart the first draft, if that’s your desire, then putting it back together for you – even better than the first time
- Generally has a 4 – 6 week lead time (so get thinking!)
- You’re still reading this right now. That says something, right?
- Has a juicy assortment of testimonials you can read through here
I want to make this process as easy-peasy as possible for you
Cripes, let’s face it, you’ve enough tough businessing things to do today.
I’m promising you this form is not only going to take you 5 minutes (tops) to answer all my questions, but is also the very best way for me to gauge whether I’m a good fit for your email copywriting.
My done-for-you email copywriting service start at $4000 (+ GST if you’re an Australian client). If you haven’t already downloaded my Copy Menu, here’s the link. There are pre-payment plans available should you need. I generally do have a bit of a lead time, so let me know if you’re in a copy emergency and need a +25% rush rate quoted.
If you can give me as much juicy information as you can in the pretty boxes below, I’ll get back to you (over email) within 3 business days with some fabulous options.
Ohhhh, so you’re a *reader*! We’re going to get along just fine! Here are the FAQ you might have made it to the bottom of this page to read:
What even *is* copywriting?
Well, hello, my new friend! How did you make your way here? If we haven’t met before, I’m a copywriter. Has zip to do with legals, everything to do with words that make your best new client or customer absolutely fall over themselves to hand over their credit card details and possibly also propose some kind of long term relationship with your brand.
Copywriting is a process of carefully structuring the right words to make the reader take an action. It’s words that sell things – from your product Sales page to the back cover advertisement in a newspaper.
Good copywriting showcases not only the features of your service or product but also the benefits, and makes your ideal clients realise they need your thing – it converts readers to buyers and compels the people you want to sell to to take an action.
What about if I want email editing?
If you have existing email copy that’s doing the job, but no longer in alignment with your brand, you might need a hard edit. This is more than just proofreading and editing for spelling and grammar, this is copy editing – pulling apart what you’ve got and sorting it out, and putting it back together. Better.
This service is only available to previous clients and by
Why should I choose you to write my email copy?
Because, well, I make people cry. There’s proof of this on my testimonial page.
I’m a terrible cook, can’t count for nuts, but I write killer copy that makes your new favourite people want to be all over your offerings.
Also, I’m ridiculously lovely to work with.
And, honestly, if you’re all the way down the bottom of this page and still here, we’re probably meant to be. In alignment – you care about the things I do – amplification of women’s voices, putting power in the hands of our next generation of change-makers, creating, and funding, a life from your business that means you have choices.
But, how will you write in *my* voice?
This is the golden
I’ll tell you the truth – it’s a little
I’m a naturally empathetic copywriter with an inherent ability to listen. When we have our first Zoom session, I hear all the words you mean to say. When I read your answers to my emails, I look for the gold between the lines. To be honest – writing the copy is the easy part. Finding the brand voice is the key to writing you in a way that’ll make you cry when you first read it. You’ll feel heard, acknowledged, and presented to the online world in the way you’d always wished for.
I can’t tell you anything more than that or I’ll be giving everything away.
I noticed you're an Australian copywriter and I'm in the US/UK/Mars!
No probs, Bob. And I won’t use Australian colloquialisms like that when I write your copy, promise.
This is all covered in our first branding session where I uncover your brand voice and then use it everywhere. You’ll find yourself thinking, “how did she know I say things like that?”
If we start with mapping out a Brand Voice Guide together, you can also pass on this resource to anyone who ever writes for your brand for them to use too.
How long will the entire process take?
That mostly depends on you. I usually have around an 8 week lead time (during which there’ll be things both of us are working on) and then, depending on how quickly I get the information I need from you, it’s generally another 4 weeks to return your first draft.
I do offer a rush rate option, which adds 25% to your invoice.
What if I don't love something you write?
Well then, that’s it. We aren’t mates anymore.
Gosh no, that’s a joke. Communication is key and even if you start off thinking you are 100% sure of what you want, sometimes when you get it, you realise you might want to change tack. That’s OK, sometimes we need a change of brief and to start again. We’ll negotiate if that happens. Otherwise, it’s usually just an issue of making a round of tweaks
I work in a diverse range of industries and although I might be the Word Witch, you’re undoubtedly more experienced in your industry’s jargon, terminology, and tone than I am. Sometimes we’ll need to dig into those tweaks, which is what the round of amendments is for. In fact, when I send you back the first draft I’ll actively encourage you to pick it apart – print it out and scribble on it, use tracking changes and ask 35 questions, make suggested edits – that’s all part of the process.
What do I need to do to start?
My done-for-you copywriting services are by application. This is to ensure that you’re the right fit for me, and also I’m the right copywriter for you.
To begin the process, ensure you’re:
- Hip with the pricing in the Copy Menu and
- Fill out the application form
I’ll walk you through everything from there.
Do you charge GST?
Yes, only for Australian clients. You can ignore this if you’re international.
I really like you but, I just can't afford this yet.
I really like you too.
Here’s the thing; I have two kinds of favourite clients. Ideal done-for-you copy clients who’ve been around for a bit, know the value of outsourcing their copy, and know they’re going to make a return on this investment.
I also have a massive drive to see women in startup or transition phase get their words working for them so they can sell any darn thing they like. That’s why I offer a range of low-cost, free, or probably-going-to-pay-you-back-if-you-implement resources you can use to write your own copy, make it make you money, and then – if you need – you can come back to me with some dosh in the bank ready to spend on editing or outsourcing altogether. Check them out here.
And if you want to use my *exact* basic structure I start all my email copywriting with, you can learn to write email copy from me here.
©Crisp Copy
2016 – 2022
If you steal my words I’ll send my teenagers to your house… with their kitten

Jay Crisp Crow She/Her – Words that open hearts and bank accounts for folk identifying as women