Crisp Copy Class Alumni Showcase – Alicent Wong

Meet Alicent from

Kitchen Wizard | Curator of Gorgeous Dining Ware | Crisp Copy Class Alumni makes dining tables beautiful everywhere with a specially curated collection of luxuriously designed and lovingly made creations for stove to table.

Tell us about the moment you decided to start your own business. What was the catalyst?

My husband and I sold our boutique digital marketing agency in 2016 after having the business for 5 years. It was a thriving business but hubby had other opportunities come a’knockin’, and we were expecting our second. It took 6 months of soul searching before I make the jump to start an online business to fuel my passion for cooking, interiors and pretty handmade things! It was super scary as even though I had all this marketing experience and having built a brick and mortar business, I’ve never run an online business!

What do you utterly love about running a business?

The growth and transformation that I see happening with myself. With all of its trials and tribulations, running a business truly brings with it the scariest monsters, scary enough to make the Bogey Man crap his pants. BUT! It also brings out the strength, resilience, resourcefulness and a whole toolbox of fear-defeating mechanisms that you never knew you had. I would never trade it for anything, least to say going back to corporate, URGH!

What drives you bonkers about marketing, branding, and businessing?

Social media drives me NUTS. It’s a necessary evil that’s incredibly time consuming and takes a long time to see any ROI. Unless you have a lot of dosh to throw at Mr Zuckerberg’s endless money pit. Networking is one thing that I have to still get comfy with. I do it, but it takes a lot of self-convincing. The events with free wine usually win me over 😉

What prompted you to sign up for the Crisp Copy Class?

A raving recommendation from a mutual business community member who was CC classmate. It was very timely as I was looking to, to quote Jay, ‘up my copy chops’. After re-writing my About Page and Home Page for like a million times and still not nailing it, I took it as a sign from the universe that I had to sign up and thank God I did!

What has the Crisp Copy Class helped you achieve, that you wouldn’t have been able to DIY?

Nail my brand messaging, tonality and feel.

What’s your favourite piece of copy you wrote in the CCC?

Making Dining Tables Beautiful, Everywhere. is a beautiful place where we show you how to craft and create mealtime memories, and find the magic in every day. A lovingly curated collection of beautifully designed and lovingly crafted creations for the stove to dining table, it’s a showcase of our love for food and how it can be used to bring love, laugh, conversation, and wonder to your home dining experience everyday.

Tell us a randomly delicious thing about you not already all over the internet?

I make a wicked no-bake lemon cheesecake! (LITERALLY DELICIOUS!)

What’s next for you and your brand and your business?

What’s next for you and your brand and your business?
SO MUCH! I’m looking to build a service into the business along the lines of customised dinner party invitations, table cards, menus etc as I love design and have a pretty good eye for it. I did miss my calling in my earlier years and would love to pick up on it. Combining all of my passions into the one business AND making money out of it, why the hell not?!

Ali Wong is an avid seeker of food experiences, kitchen wizard, interior design geek, tea snob, nature lover and founder of She’s a true-to-life mumma of two beautiful little ladies, and wife to her best friend. was born out of her burning desire to make mealtimes at home beautiful and memorable. Being tired of the drab tableware that did no favours to lovingly home cooked meals, Ali made it her personal mission to jazz things up in our everyday kitchens.

Connect with her on all the usual online social places and at her website here:

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Jay Crisp Crow + Crisp Copy

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