“About Page QUEEN!”
I got this crown by making my clients cry
Oh, love!
Are you weeping again? It’s that About Page, isn’t it?
Damn those DIY doldrums!
If you’re done with all the online tutorials, how-to eBooks, and even outsourcing to someone(s) who hasn’t quite nailed your voice, you need an
About Page copywriter who focuses on conversion
Why? Because this page is the ultimate spot on your website to turn your reader into a full-blown, never-go-anywhere-else, “sign me up now and take my credit card” loyalist!
You know what? My About Page copy makes clients cry too.
But happy tears.
And wouldn’t they feel a whole lot different than what you’ve got going on right now?
In fact, About pages are my jam, babes. (Oh, erk, promise I’ll never call you that again.) But really, they are so my gig.
I’ve written more About pages than any other single piece of copy in the last 7 years.
When you work with me for the whole website copy shebang, it’s where we start. In fact, I believe it’s the single most important page on your whole website (and once you have it nailed, you’ll never have to worry about what to base your copy on – for socials, emails, LinkedIn updates – ever again).
Which is why I’m not going to sell you a whole slab of pretty words.
Oh, heck no.

This is where we build your brand
Right here. On this page.
Which is why you need more than just copywriting.
We’re starting right at the very beginning (a very good place to start) *
*bonus points if you sang along with me when you read this
This is the single most important page on your website,
so don’t write it in 3rd person, avoid it altogether, or cry over it a moment more
“I chose Jay to work with when it came to writing my About page for my website.
This is the most visited page on the website so it was important that I worked with a very skilled copywriter who could take my gobbledegook and turn it into something that was super clear for my audience in a way that
captured my brand personality and all of the quirks that make up exactly who I am
And Jay was bloody brilliant to work with!”
Tracy Harris – Mums With Hustle

Here’s how we’ll tackle this luscious copy job
Brand Briefing
We’ll meet over a cup (tea, gin, whatever you need) on Zoom where we’ll dig around in your brand soul and ideal client (pain-free, mostly). We’ll couple this with your Brand TOV work (and if you’ve never completed this, we can do that together too)
Mine For Gold
I’ll trawl through your testimonials, client feedback forms, and even some of your revealing emails to uncover the language your people use to describe how fabulous you are
I’ll use your keyword research (or we can get my colleague to provide some for you if you haven’t done this work yet) to incorporate your long-tail keyword so organically, it could be certified
First Draft Delivery
Around 2 weeks later, you’ll receive your new optimised About Page copy with structure suggestions for design and user experience – straight into your inbox. Copy that encompasses your brand soul and all your professional quals. Copy that makes your ideal client feel like you’ve reached into their heart and pulled out their deepest desires and spoken directly to them, so much so they’re asking themselves, “who IS this woman and how did I exist before I met her?” Copy that sounds like you, only better
Tweak It
You’ll have 10 days to roll around in it. Sweet. You might not need them – over 95% of my clients have a cry, find a tissue, and upload their new About page straight into the right spot. This is the opportunity to make tweaks, ask questions, get some changes made. We want to get this bang on. Send me back your tracked changes and I’ll deliver you a final, clean copy, colour coded so your developer or VA can easily upload your new copy
Field Proposals
You share your new About Page all over the interwebs and get new clients who are so enthusiastic they make your marriage proposal seem tepid
“I could not be more pleased with Jay’s work on my About page. Not only did Jay create AMAZING copy, she did it at lightning speed and got it right first go.
She is the About Page QUEEN! *
Copywriting helps sell what you sell and Jay’s worth is worth so much more than what you pay. For anyone wanting to create an About page that really grabs people, work with Jay,
it will be the most valuable investment for your business.“
Nellie Manolis
Giving Cancer the Middle Finger at – FOC Box

* See? Toldja! And in ALL CAPS!

I’m Jay Crisp Crow
and here are some things you should know if you’re considering whether I’m the right About Page copywriter for you
- Written more About Pages than any other single page of copy
- Been called ‘The About Page Queen’ (more than once and by other people. This is not a name I gave myself so I could sound cooler than I am. In fact, I don’t love the concept of Queendoms where one person stays at the top through keeping others’ down – or chopping their heads off – I want us all to reign!)
- Works SEO keywords into copy so organically, it could be certified
- Has a flexible but tried-and-tested process to get all the facts (and other stuff you may not think is important but I’ll actually turn into powerful conversion elements) from out of your head and onto the page
- Been at this for 7 years now and made a whole lot of people a whole lot of money while using About Page copy to build loyal audiences
- Uses innate empathetic and intuitive powers to read between ‘your’ lines so I can get in the head and heart of your ideal clients. (This is completely woo and I’ll tell you all about it if you’re into that or never mention it again if you’re not!)
- Doesn’t accept copywriting work for products or services I’m not completely aware or totally comfortable with (but will recommend you onto someone great for you)
- Teaches other people who want to be copywriters how to do this stuff
- Leaves ego at the door. Process includes encouraging you to pull apart the first draft, if that’s your desire, then putting it back together for you – even better than the first time
- Generally has a 4 – 6 week lead time (so get thinking!)
- You’re still reading this right now. That says something, right?
- Has a juicy assortment of testimonials you can read through here
What about the investment?
You might notice my copywriting offerings are specialised. I don’t write social media copy, or blogs, or award submissions, or anything generalist. I only offer copy editing for return clients and I don’t work with anyone I don’t 1000% believe I can help. Email and website copy, specifically About Pages, Sales Pages, Launch emails, and Brand Voice development are my specialities.
My aim? To get the dosh you invested with me to get this thing written back to you ASAP.
How does your About Page fit in with that plan? Isn’t it *just* where your reader goes to find out if they like you?
The truth is your About Page is one of the single most important pages on your website for conversion.
That’s getting your semi-interested readers to convert to button clickers, and your new button clickers to convert to the kind of clients who will never want to work with anyone else, ever again, because you’ve shown them just how perfectly aligned you are with what they want from life.
And those kind of clients? They’ll be the ones who line up all night to buy tickets to your latest workshop, hand over their credit cards at the mere mention of something new, and rave about you to all their friends.
I’m an About Page copywriter and copy teacher who uses out-of-this-world empathetic skills to get inside your head and heart to write About Pages that are purposefully a little different.
No third person fibathons, no hiding behind ‘we’ when you’re unique and individual as they come, and no great wads of backstory that don’t do anything for your reader.
Standalone About Page start at $1700
keeping in mind, you can bundle this service with my other copywriting services and pay a package price
Done with the DIY and ready to talk dollars?
Download my Copy Menu with all pricing and inclusions (includes link to chat, if you need, and an application form)
Already know you don’t want to rewrite this About Page yourself… again?

“…Even with my kick-ass attitude, I had an About page that was weak and uninspiring.
Jay captured the absolute essence of who I am as a businesswoman and translated it powerfully into words…”
I want to make this process as easy-peasy as possible for you
Cripes, let’s face it, you’ve enough tough businessing things to do today.
I’m promising you this form is not only going to take you 5 minutes (tops) to answer all my questions, but is also the very best way for me to gauge whether I’m a good fit for your About Page copywriting.
My done-for-you About Page copywriting service start at $1700 (+ GST if you’re an Australian client). If you haven’t already downloaded my Copy Menu, here’s the link. There are pre-payment plans available should you need. I generally do have a bit of a lead time, so let me know if you’re in a copy emergency and need a +25% rush rate quoted.
If you can give me as much juicy information as you can in the pretty boxes below, I’ll get back to you (over email) within 3 business days with some fabulous options.
“Jay doesn’t just write website copy, it doesn’t even begin to cover what she does.
Over Zoom Jay and I sat and chatted for over an hour discussing everything from our business objectives, the kind of clients we were looking to attract, our SEO hit list and the type of voice I wanted to shine through the website to keep our branding consistent across all our digital platforms.
And she did it, better than I could have possibly imagined, not just the perfect website copy that said all the right things, but Call To Actions in all the right places and tied in with how it should be formatted around images for ultimate impact and user experience.
You can’t afford to NOT be using Jay for your website copy.”
Lucy Tearne
PR Magic Maker – CrownedPR

Ohhhh, so you’re a *reader*! We’re going to get along just fine! Here are the FAQ you might have made it to the bottom of this page to read:
What even *is* copywriting?
Well, hello, my new friend! How did you make your way here? If we haven’t met before, I’m a copywriter. Has zip to do with legals, everything to do with words that make your best new client or customer absolutely fall over themselves to hand over their credit card details and possibly also propose some kind of long term relationship with your brand.
Copywriting is a process of carefully structuring the right words to make the reader take an action. It’s words that sell things – from your product Sales page to the back cover advertisement in a newspaper.
Good copywriting showcases not only the features of your service or product but also the benefits, and makes your ideal clients realise they need your thing – it converts readers to buyers and compels the people you want to sell to to take an action.
I just want my About Page copy edited!
If you have existing website copy that’s doing the job, but no longer in alignment with your brand, you might need a hard edit. This is more than just proofreading and editing for spelling and grammar, this is copy editing – pulling apart what you’ve got and sorting it out, and putting it back together. Better.
This service is usually only available to previous clients and by
However, if this is a process you’d really be interested in tackling, either to have more of your own words on the page or to keep the budget down, I recommend 1: downloading my About Page Structure here and then 2: getting in touch to have your About Page copy edited using the work you’ve done with my template as a helper.
Why should I choose you to write my About Page?
Because, well, I make people cry. There’s proof of this on my testimonial page.
I’m a terrible cook, can’t count for nuts, but I write killer copy that makes your new favourite people want to be all over your offerings.
Also, I’m ridiculously lovely to work with.
And, honestly, if you’re all the way down the bottom of this page and still here, we’re probably meant to be. In alignment – you care about the things I do – amplification of women’s voices, putting power in the hands of our next generation of change-makers, creating, and funding, a life from your business that means you have choices.
If you have more questions about the woo woo concept I mentioned before, we can chat about it on our brand briefing call.
But, how will you write in *my* voice?
This is the golden
I’ll tell you the truth – it’s a little
I’m a naturally empathetic copywriter with an inherent ability to listen. When we have our first Zoom session, I hear all the words you mean to say. When I read your answers to my emails, I look for the gold between the lines. To be honest – writing the copy is the easy part. Finding the brand voice is the key to writing you in a way that’ll make you cry when you first read it. You’ll feel heard, acknowledged, and presented to the online world in the way you’d always wished for.
I can’t tell you anything more than that or I’ll be giving everything away.
I noticed you're an Australian copywriter and I'm in the US/UK/Mars!
No probs, Bob. And I won’t use Australian colloquialisms like that when I write your copy, promise.
This is all covered in our first branding session where I uncover your brand voice and then use it everywhere. You’ll find yourself thinking, “how did she know I say things like that?”
If we start with mapping out a Brand Voice Guide together, you can also pass on this resource to anyone who ever writes for your brand for them to use too.
How long will the entire process take?
That mostly depends on you. I usually have around an 8 week lead time (during which there’ll be things both of us are working on) and then, depending on how quickly I get the information I need from you, it’s generally another 4 weeks to return your first draft.
I do offer a rush rate option, which adds 25% to your invoice.
What if I don't love something you write?
Well then, that’s it. We aren’t mates anymore.
Gosh no, that’s a joke. Communication is key and even if you start off thinking you are 100% sure of what you want, sometimes when you get it, you realise you might want to change tack. That’s OK, sometimes we need a change of brief and to start again. We’ll negotiate if that happens. Otherwise, it’s usually just an issue of making a round of tweaks
I work in a diverse range of industries and although I might be the Word Witch, you’re undoubtedly more experienced in your industry’s jargon, terminology, and tone than I am. Sometimes we’ll need to dig into those tweaks, which is what the round of amendments is for. In fact, when I send you back the first draft I’ll actively encourage you to pick it apart – print it out and scribble on it, use tracking changes and ask 35 questions, make suggested edits – that’s all part of the process.
What do I need to do to start?
My done-for-you copywriting services are by application. This is to ensure that you’re the right fit for me, and also I’m the right copywriter for you.
To begin the process, ensure you’re:
- Hip with the pricing in the Copy Menu and
- Fill out the application form
I’ll walk you through everything from there.
What about SEO?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. There are a tonne of elements you need to consider if you’re improving your SEO and SEO copywriting is a major part of the puzzle.
I carefully weave SEO keyword terms into your human-centric copy so Google can tell what you’d like to rank for and help you get found.
I love SEO keywords, and I love being found on the Google. But I never sacrifice conversion copy for a longtail keyword phrase, and I don’t stuff boring-butt keywords into headers multiple times just because your SEO person thinks they should go there.
Humans first. Google happily second.
Do you charge GST?
Yes, only for Australian clients. You can ignore this if you’re international.
I really like you but, I just can't afford this yet.
I really like you too.
Here’s the thing; I have two kinds of favourite clients. Ideal done-for-you copy clients who’ve been around for a bit, know the value of outsourcing their copy, and know they’re going to make a return on this investment.
I also have a massive drive to see women in startup or transition phase get their words working for them so they can sell any darn thing they like. That’s why I offer a range of low-cost, free, or probably-going-to-pay-you-back-if-you-implement resources you can use to write your own copy, make it make you money, and then – if you need – you can come back to me with some dosh in the bank ready to spend on editing or outsourcing altogether. Check them out here.
And if you want to use my *exact* basic structure I start all my Sales Page copywriting with, you can download my cheap-as-chips template here or learn to write About Page copy from me here. Both of these options can have done-for-you copy editing added on after you’ve completed your first draft.
©Crisp Copy
2016 – 2023
If you steal my words I’ll send my teenagers to your house… with their kitten

Jay Crisp Crow She/Her – Words that open hearts and bank accounts for folk identifying as women