“Focus on the ‘Mission Critical’ tasks. What are the things that are really important in your business?

Are you spending time on these every. single. day? Don’t get caught up in the busy-ness of tasks that are not income generating.

The Business Hustle – Faye Hollands​

So Crisp Podcast

Lesson you learn quick smart when you start a business: your talent is a small percentage of important necessities for a successful outcome.

The rest? It’s business.

And that’s a lot of learning – often about stuff you didn’t already know, a steep curve of figuring out what to DIY, what to outsource, how to find systems and processes that work for you, when to push, when to lean far out, and how to be as productive as possible (while still allowing for joy to permeate every part of your day).

And then, in the online world, there seem to be 2 camps. The hustle brigade – the women striving and pushing and hustling their patooties off, proudly, and the anti-hustlers, those singing a song about unbusying your life, your business, your mindset.

Hustle has become a bit of a dirty word in business, which I think is a shame. Personally, I am pro hustle. I am also pro nap and pro lean out. I know, a contradiction.

So I invited Faye Hollands onto So Crisp to give us her expert advice on the hustle and to teach us all a thing about productivity.

The Crisp Takeaways

* Yum *

Faye has a ‘work smarter’ attitude that underpins the work she does with her clients to help them build businesses that are hustle-free, and that allow them to step up and create the results they want in their business and life, fast.

#Antihustle is about fighting against the glorification of busy! You don’t have to push so hard you are doing yourself damage.

Hustle does NOT equal success!

Busy does NOT equal productive! 

One from me,

“You can totally be pro-hustle and pro-nap at the same time!”

Burnout comes when you think you have to keep pushing the boundaries like eating well and sleeping. Hustle culture is so damaging and distracts people from the work they should be doing – like systems, profit management, and strategic planning.

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Connect with Faye

Faye helps time-strapped women in small business significantly improve their productivity so that they can make more money without working longer hours!

As the Founder of Busy Business Women, she’s an experienced and savvy Business Coach who helps small business owners around the globe unfrazzle and uncomplicate the art of building profitable, successful and rewarding businesses.

Faye started her first business 12 years ago, and soon became the go-to person for women who wanted to create careers they love, including starting, growing and scaling their own business.

She’s experienced many highly challenging times over those years and from that rollercoaster of experiences has learned the recipe for sustained business success.  

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If you’ve enjoyed this podcast it’s probably only partly due to the dulcet tones of my voice. A truckload of credit has to go to Elle Roberts, OBM and all-round smart woman, as she splices and dices, organises and Asanas, launches and consults, tweaks and twiddles so much of what happens for So Crisp to go from chattery to podcast supreme. If you’re thinking of launching a podcast, you need Elle on your team. Find her here.


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Jay Crisp Crow + Crisp Copy

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