“Having an ‘ethical’ business shouldn’t be a point of marketing anymore, it’s just how it should be.”

Making Kindness A Non Negotiable In Business – Anu Sawhney

So Crisp Podcast

Anu Sawhney was a celebrated designer with a successful career in fashion before launching her own ethical jewellery line – Bidiliia.

She designed for big brands such as Giorgio Armani, Kenneth Cole, Gap, Old Navy, and Leona Edmiston so you may not associate fashion and the jewellery business with being focussed on being kind.

Today, we’re talking Kindness with Anu, owner of ethical jewellery brand, Bidiliia.

We talk about the difference between kindness and weakness, being kind and being nice, and how being assertive isn’t mutually exclusive with being a kind person.

Understand kindness and bring it into your business with Anu.

“The Crisp Takeaways

* Yum *

“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with hustle. But that entire hustle mode can sometimes be a headless chicken thing. You don’t really know what you’re doing, you don’t know what your business can do or should do or could do.”

“There are some non negotiables you should always start with, it’s not really rules, it’s more standing your own ground for you to be able to move and grow.” 


Connect with Anu

Anu Sawhney is an ethical jewellery business owner. Her business Bidiliia is pioneering a change in how we consume fashion jewellery and gives us access to artisanal handmade affordable pieces of luxury. 

Anu has a formal design education and has designed for big brands such as Giorgio Armani, Kenneth Cole, Gap, Old Navy and Leona Edmiston to name a few. Needless to say, she knows good design. She turned to slow fashion and is carving own niche in jewellery after more than 15 years in the design industry and working for high turnover brands.

She calls Sydney home and swims to meditate.

Be kind to yourself with 10% off on your first order with code: WOWZA

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If you’ve enjoyed this podcast it’s probably only partly due to the dulcet tones of my voice. A truckload of credit has to go to Elle Roberts, OBM and all-round smart woman, as she splices and dices, organises and Asanas, launches and consults, tweaks and twiddles so much of what happens for So Crisp to go from chattery to podcast supreme. If you’re thinking of launching a podcast, you need Elle on your team. Find her here.


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