“I never started out to create a brand – I am just trying flat-out to be me.”

Psychic, The Label – Denise Litchfield

So Crisp Podcast

If I say the word ‘psychic’, do you immediately imagine late night phone calls to a hotline, connecting with a woman with tangled hair and wearing crushed purple velvet, speaking to you in a husky, lingeringly mysterious voice while manhandling a crystal ball?

I’m about to introduce you to Denise, who is, in her own words “allergic to new age fluff” but has also been bumping into dead people for as long as she can remember.

Yes, today we’re talking about the psychic label and all its connotations with lycra wearing, tattooed and cool as heck powerhouse, Denise Litchfield.

The Crisp Takeaways

* Yum *

Weird kids are usually the coolest people as they come into their own.

We need to fly our freak flags and be proud of our weird!

“People can smell it when you are real and coming from the heart!”

The biggest block holding people from back from embracing their own psychic abilities is simply the fear of opening their mouths.

A sassy straight-shooter, Denise couldn’t give a faff about being like all the other psychics, and loves making videos to tell it like it is. Her qualifications include the ability to walk through crowds and make them get out of her way; it really, really comes in handy – particularly when she’s in a hurry.

She believes in living an intuitive and bullshit-free life and taking things one day at a time. Oh and no; your guides don’t watch you in the shower.


Connect with Denise

Denise Litchfield is an irreverent psychic who’s allergic to new-age fluff and who has been seeing dead people since she can remember. She’s more into purple hair than purple velvet and is old enough to decide that vegetarian pizza is an essential food group, thanks very much. Which is lucky, as she can’t cook rice.

Make no mistake though, this talented woman honed her communication prowess over half a lifetime teaching adult aerobics. She knows how to get a point across, especially while wearing lycra.

Denise loves her rescue dog and describes her house as a ‘glorified dog kennel’. She has turned being ‘the weird kid’ into her superpower. She doesn’t wear undies on the outside of her clothes, but sometimes wears yoga pants backwards, and showcases a quote from Batman tattooed on her arm.

Luckily, how she wears her pants has no impact on her ability to deliver straight-up info and guidance for whatever questions keep you awake at night. She didn’t start out planning to teach others how to be psychic, but when she discovered the mountain of misinformation out there, and how it kept people small and fearful, she just had to open her big mouth.

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If you’ve enjoyed this podcast it’s probably only partly due to the dulcet tones of my voice. A truckload of credit has to go to Elle Roberts, OBM and all-round smart woman, as she splices and dices, organises and Asanas, launches and consults, tweaks and twiddles so much of what happens for So Crisp to go from chattery to podcast supreme. If you’re thinking of launching a podcast, you need Elle on your team. Find her here.


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Jay Crisp Crow + Crisp Copy

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