“…quite frankly, women in business have better things to do with their time, energy and brain power than obsess about whether they deserve a Tim Tam with their afternoon cup of tea…”

Diet Culture, Power Words, & Women in Business – Nina Mills

So Crisp Podcast

Think your belief systems about food, your weight, and your body have zip to do with how you run your business?
Think again.
Not sure if you have internalised weight bias?
Take a listen.
Just want to hear two women talk about food, fat, power words, and being part of the anti-diet brigade?
This is for you.
Nina Mills is getting So Crisp to unpack the power we give words we talk about, and talk to ourselves about, when it comes to food and teaches us a little about diet culture and what role it plays in how women show up in business.

Disclaimer: In this episode, I refer to disabled people using people first language. That’s purposeful, because I’m disability proud. Nina uses the term “differently abled” which isn’t widely accepted in the disability community. My apologies for anyone this offends as we all strive to learn and do better.

The Crisp Takeaways

* Yum *



Guilty pleasure

Guilt free




As a copywriter you are always talking about the emotive and evocative power of words and not surprisingly these power words have a lot of power when we use them in relation to food.

But in this case, I don’t think it is useful power.

Because the moralisation of food leads to the moralisation of us and this is how we get ourselves into a pickle with our relationship with food. And quite frankly, women in business have better things to do with their time, energy and brain power than obsess about whether they deserve a Tim Tam with their afternoon cup of tea.”

This episode is brought to you by the brand new, fresh as a daisy, Crisp Copy Blogathon. Go check it out here.



Connect with Nina

Nina is an anti-diet, weight-inclusive Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor and founder of the private practice Feel Good Eating based in Melbourne, Australia. With practice values rooted in a client-centred, weight-inclusive approach to nutrition and dietetics she has gone on to do extensive additional training in the Non-Diet Approach, Health At Every Size®️, Intuitive Eating, eating disorders and the areas of body image and eating competence. Nina offers virtual and in-person nutrition counselling and online programs for people with eating and body concerns along the spectrum of chronic dieting, disordered eating and eating disorders to help people reconnect with their bodies, make food choices from a place of self-care and ultimately feel good eating.

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If you’ve enjoyed this podcast it’s probably only partly due to the dulcet tones of my voice. Thanks to Sam Hudson for shownote wrangling and whipping the website into shape, and Jackson Crisp for his superb and patient podcast editing.


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Jay Crisp Crow + Crisp Copy

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