“When we really come to know ourselves, we can step into the space where we give ourselves permission to own the strengths we have.
It also allows us to understand our potential challenges and be
ready to manage them.

The Permissive Archetypes – Shannon Bush

So Crisp Podcast

Shannon liberates big-dreaming, big-hearted, big-to-do-list women from all the STUFF that shows up when you start and grow a business. She does this by through her ground breaking Thrive Factor Experience – an archetypal profiling framework, designed specifically for women to empower them with tangible insights into their own mindset, relationship with money and more effortless way to market and create magnetism.

It allows her clients to draw the very best clients, opportunities, confidence and more towards themselves because they now have the permission they need to show up as the very best version of themselves in their business and life.

She is often referred to as a Business Yoda and we think you’ll understand why after taking a listen to this episode.

The Crisp Takeaways

* Yum *

Can business be effortless? Shannon will explain why it not only can be, but it should be!

– Her favourite words are; effortlessthrive and permission – so good!

– Effortless isn’t about doing no work at all but rather finding ways to make it easier and more in flow. Shannon talks a lot about ‘effortless success’ – which is about the result of intentional effort.

– Business can be easier than a lot of us make it and that the core at the work that Shannon does with her clients. Her business mantra is always “How can this be easier?”

– We talked a lot about what it means to ‘go with the flow’ (because Jay thinks it means something about dead fish…) 


Connect with Shannon

Shannon has a singular purpose – to bring effortless success to business. But how she delivers her unique method of coaching is diverse, inventive, and consistently refined in line with each individual client or company she serves.

Combining over 20 years of coaching, mentoring, educating, and consulting along with a childhood spent in keen observation of family business machinations gives her a unique perspective and empathy for small business owners. At the core, her own small business, Creative Possibility, provides innovative business coaching and strategy to her clients to learn new skills, identify challenges, gain clarity, and confidently create success. She’s a big picture business liberator with the specific gift of honing in on the small details – the best mix.

Retreat with Elizabeth Gilbert

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If you’ve enjoyed this podcast it’s probably only partly due to the dulcet tones of my voice. A truckload of credit has to go to Elle Roberts, OBM and all-round smart woman, as she splices and dices, organises and Asanas, launches and consults, tweaks and twiddles so much of what happens for So Crisp to go from chattery to podcast supreme. If you’re thinking of launching a podcast, you need Elle on your team. Find her here.


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Jay Crisp Crow + Crisp Copy

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