Where To Find Copywriting Inspiration (It’s Not Where You Think)

There are probably 4 million downloadables available right now via a quick Google search to help you write copy. Everything from workbooks to templates to prompts to formulas to apps to funky little programs you stick your keywords in and *bam* out pops a headline...

What A Lifetime Of Singing Taught Me About A Career In Copy

I started dance at the age of 2. My mother was a ballroom dancer, she met my father dancing, my Aunt owned what was then the biggest ballroom dance school in WA, both sets of my grandparents danced, and my great-grandma, Ho Ho (pronounced “Hoo Hoo”), sewed...

Watch Your Language – Words To Ditch From Copy

Some of you have heard me say this before. Copywriting is part creative, and part science. And here’s where someone who has never formally studied the human brain will tell you a thing I am 99% sure is true: When we’re under pressure, it’s much easier to recall...

How A Website Is Like A Home Reno

You know, you think, “it’ll just be this one job” and then you pull the thing apart a bit and realise you need 56 more (wo)man-hours, 2 extra pairs of hands, 4 trips to Bunnings for tools you can’t pronounce, and a degree in something...

“Fat Girls Don’t Belong Front-Of-House”

My boss said it. To my face, not about me. He was doing an impersonation of another “fat girl” who was in the same role as me, at another school. He was imitating her eating Tic Tacs. Because “fat girls” eating. Gross. He let loose this little...